Constant crashing.

Hi all.

My missus brought me forza 7 the other day. I installed all 95.6gb of data. I’m running the Xbox one X Scorpio edition. I tried to load it. You know on the loading screen where it shows the turn 10 image and the the Microsoft studios image? Well it crashes just after it shows the Microsoft studios image. I’ve already deleted it and re installed it. I’m thinking about asking my missus to take it back.

This is a known problem, although Turn 10 apparently don’t know what causes it, as people like you still come on here with this complaint.
Try using a different Gamertag if you can. Not ideal but in the absence of an official fix there’s not much you can do.
Other than that returning it is about your best option. It’s ridiculous but Turn 10 have left you no choice.
It runs in my Xbox one X so that’s not it but it could be something to do with your account. Hence trying alternate GT.


Thank you for your advice. After I had installed it the 3rd time round, it finally worked. I don’t know what the issue was to start with. But it’s no longer an issue. Thank you again for you advice.

Check to make sure your NAT is open. Just in case you need to revisit this issue.