I recently downloaded the Forza motorsport 7 deluxe edition (January 5th or 6th) and have played multiple feature of the game without a problem. The following Monday (Jan 8th) I tried loading up the game and around when the “Turn 10” logo appears on start-up the game freezes or “locks-up” and makes an annoying glitchy noise. After a little while the game shuts down and sends me to the dashboard. I learned that all my other games do work, I have played Fifa and Call of Duty since this issue.
That day I had gotten a new controller, the Xbox Patrol Tech, I didn’t know if that was the was the reason the game wasn’t loading. I tried updating the controller and it said the controller was already up to date. So I tried using my old controller and I did get a little further. Using the older controller I managed to load up to the start screen, at this point the game asked me to sign in to my account again, after choosing my account the game locked up again and sent me back to dashboard. I have updated both controllers, I don’t think the controllers are the issue, could be just a coincidence.
The last things I tried was uninstalling and reinstalling the game. I have done this twice, no difference. I tried moving the game from my external hard drive to my internal drive, no difference. I tried moving the game back to the external drive, no difference. Then finally I tried restarting the Xbox, multiple times, unplugging it waiting and then plugging it back in. Nothing seems to work.
Anything would help!
Thanks everyone.