Community Spring Blowout Lottery - COLLECT OR LOSE IT TIME!


1st - 1 billion - 2- ROSIERACER61
2nd - 800 million -59- DagNammit86
3rd - 600 million - 14- Squirrel Jetz
4th - 400 million - 50- JumboHue Jass
5th - 300 million - 32- Hotrod King87
Everyone else wins 91 million

TO COLLECT- Place a 1999 Honda Civic in the Auction House for 24 hours for the amount of your prize no later than noon EST Friday. ROSIERACER61 please place 2 @ 500 million each for 24 hours. I am the only official handing out the rewards. In the event that a third party purchases the car, please post it again and consider yourself extra lucky. :slight_smile:

Congratulations to the big winners. Thanks to all for participating. I hope you all get a few cars you really want in the blowout.



We realize that not everyone has deep enough pockets to compete in the Spring Community Blowout. So, we are having a credit giveaway in the form of a lottery.

The offering is 8 billion credits. Thanks to PS3 EATER and DagNoFear for the generous donations. The basic premise will be that everyone can pick a single number. A random generator will be used to determine the order of the winners. All contestants are winners.

It is quite difficult to forecast the number of participants. So, we will begin with numbers 1 through EDIT 65. In the event that the lottery sells out, or comes close to it, more numbers may be added later.
Prize Structure
1st - 1 billion
2nd - 800 million
3rd - 600 million
4th - 400 million
5th - 300 million
The remainder of 4.9 billion will be divided equally amongst all other entries rounded to nearest 1 million


  • You need access to the Auction House (Gold) to collect
  • Draw will be sometime April 22
  • You must get your name in the draw before 10 PM EST April 21st.
    *You may only enter once.
    *No using alternate Gamertags
    *You must check the winners’ list. You will not be notified
    *Failure to make arrangements to collect your prize before the blowout starts, will result in a forfeit
    *In the event that two people enter the same number, the time stamp will determine who gets it. This is especially important to players being moderated as their entry will be delayed. I advise that you check the list to ensure your entry was accepted and registered.

IMPORTANT - To enter, type in your Gamertag and the number you have chosen. Failure to do this may result in your entry being ignored.

1- TehCrazehCatMan
4- xebot360
5- PocketPoncho UK
6- deeps again
9- Redstorm0503
10- TheStigsCousin
11- D Shiznit 007 D S-h-i-z-n-i-t 007
12- DeGrayOne
13- Mikeys Box
14- Squirrel Jetz
15- HMR Motorhead
16- Gijs571
17- gdub700
18- Toyota Man 6969
19- Takum1 Fujiwara
20- Huhuu Jak1noeil
21- Wan Ge 1
22- JDawgg77
23- A11eyesONME23
24- ballin rollins
25- D3AN 711
26- Benjamin Nacho
27- Cmitch58
28- DriftngPlatypus
29- catdaddy6968
30- DavetheRave307
31- Voldemortt
32- Hotrod King87
33- Host29
34- Tachyon Racing
35- Jamiae
36- alfamave
37- Vader54229
38- Operator1
41- Richie2253
42- Snowowl
43- lazbaz85
44- m7m14
45- SP4ZT4ST1C123
46- BlandBarbecue44
47- DesigningLeek47
49- Savoury69
50- JumboHue Jass
51- cipher1962
52- JUDGE 38
53- NolDaMan
54- Koulikov
55- koiftt
57- ZeroTalent
58- doglordscott
59- DagNammit86
60- PoketRok
61- Tun3r K1ng 25

Number of entries as of April 21 6:35 PM EST = 59
Last entry - Jamiae
Minimum payout 91 million

1 Like

Ooooo…I like this idea…Can I have number 315…it was my high school football number, either that or the time practice started. I cant remember…jkn


I’ll get this thing started

GT: Cmitch58
#27 please…

23 PLEASE GT A11eyesONME23

#5 please…GT PocketPoncho UK

Thank you

This idea rocks! I’ll take #69
GT:ballin rollins

oops sorry, number 24 actually.
GT:ballin rollins

I would like number 11 if possible.

I can’t post my gamertag because the message board automatically censors it…so my gamertag is the same as my forum name.

lazbaz85 for #43 please. thanks

30 please - DavetheRave307.


The draw date has been set for April 22nd. Winners will be announced sometime that morning. You must get your name in the draw before 10 PM EST April 21st.

As it stands right now, we have 6 billion credits to give out and only 7 entries. :open_mouth:


Gt A11EYES23isSON. This is my sons gt.thanks number 10 please

Unfortunately, this would break the rule - *No using alternate Gamertags. This rule had to be included because some people were abusing it to try and enter my old contests twice. Now, I am 100% certain that is not what you are doing A11eyes. But, if I break the rule for you, it will be impossible to enforce it for others.

Can you get the young lad to join the forum? Even if only to enter this contest? Also, I assume he is a Gold member and can receive his prize via the auction House?

sorry to disappoint,


try to sign him up but he cant remember his e mail account password so when i get it i will sign him up… thanks… and i understand the rule i

Poketrok for number 60 please.

Many thanks.

LUCKY NUMBER 8 PLEASE! Thank you Jammer.

Hard to believe we can only find 9 people interested in these credits. :-o

Unless there is a last minute rush, I guess we’ll reward the first 3 with REALLY LARGE prizes and divide the balance equally amongst the rest.


#25 Please Thanks

GT: D3AN 711

History repeats itself. When I first got on the forum I couldn’t imagine how you could possibly afford to do the ‘Gears GTO Giveaways’ and now I’m surprised again by your generosity : ) I’m in, if only to re-live the glory days (and for the Spring Blowout) ! Lucky number 17 please. (I initially put 33, hope I don’t regret the change !)

GT: gdub700
#: 17

Thanks !