Please at least allow us to choose the manufacturer colors for our rental car. When we choose a rental car in Free Play and online, the game doesn’t allow us to select any color for the car but only the default.
The way this should work is like this:
Go into the “Buy or Rent” menu and choose a car.
Pick a manufacturer color.
And then the game should bring up the purchase/rent menu.
This, along with the ability to tune rental cars based on their default setup, with whatever parameters are available.
Back in Forza Motorsport 2, 3 and 4, in their respective Free Play modes, you could choose a rental car’s default set of car-specific colors just as you select them, and even perform set-up tuning just within the car’s default settings, which meant that even if the car itself was stock, you can still make some fine adjustments to them based on whatever parameters were available.
Motorsport 5, 6 and 7 took these features away, where if you’re going to use a rental car in Free Play, you could no …
Also the ability to select tire compounds on rental cars.
In addition to my previous topic, which is to select manufacturer colors and perform basic setup tuning based on the car’s default set-up, here’s one more suggestion I would like to see.
I’d also love to see the ability to change tire compounds on rental cars. Yes, this would mean that this would be the only upgrades available to them, but this doesn’t mean that you can upgrade and customize rental cars any further than the tire compound alone.
Take for example in older Gran Turismo games, y…