Cat & Mouse

Yes… somewhere in a dark corner on the horizon servers, this wonderfull game is being played again.

At first glance you might think “chaos & carnage” but give it a chance and you will find that words like " precision, skill ,teamwork & strategy do the game more justice.

If you are done racing (or just not extremely good), if you feel to old to be playing tag :), or if you are done talking about your cars in Free Roam sessions and curious about what they can actually do, THEN CAT & MOUSE is for YOU!

The Basics:

Cat & mouse is a game where 2 teams battle eachother to get their Mouse across the finish before the other team does.
in a full lobby each team consists of 1 Mouse (this players drives a “slow” car) and 3 Cats (these players drive faster cars)

The 2 mice pretty much race eachother while the cats either try to stop their opposite mouse by ramming them for example, or defend their own by pushing or fighting of opposing cats.

You might think a game like this is completly unfair and lobsided, but let me assure you: If you can get a good lobby going, with some nice folks that KNOW HOW TO PLAY,and some good settings, ur in for some mighty good racing… and here exactly lies the problem…

Because C&M is pretty unknown compared to other game modes it is extremely difficult to get a good lobby going, and it pains me to see 1st time players join a (bad)lobby and quitting halfway through never to return to the mode again.

THIS IS A GREAT GAME! that defines what Horizon is about and we want to see more people join the party! so… in closing


  • wheter you are a clean racer who is all about clean cornering and performance or that big truck driving maniac who loves smashing into people. C&M offers a place to show ur skills
  • if you are into tuning/upgrading you will find C&M will require a whole new setup for your cars, aimed more towards handling and agility than top-speed. + YOU WILL BE PUT TO THE TEST
    -If you are a painter a cat &mouse lobby (team colors off) is your perfect exebition room. In a good cat & mouse game cars drive close to eachother CONSTANTLY so there is enough opportunity for players to behold even the finest details in your designs.
  • Finally C&M is a teamsport so it is IDEAL for clan battles some good carclubs in the C&M arena are: (K8G4), (HEC7),(bisu)fr,(HHRC) and many more. The best club however is my own ofcourse :): (FOCM) or the international Federation Of the Cat & the Mouse… learn more about us and how to join SOON in the car club section of this forum.

Please leave a comment or reply if you wish to talk CAT & MOUSE im very much interested in your favourite car,tracks, settings etc.

Have Fun!


Hit me up, sounds fun

GT: Silentsecurity

I totally agree with you.
If there were lobbies of Cat & Mouse, I would join immediatly.

But you know, people don’t like variety…
So, the remedy to this is Playground.
That is sad…

Another point is King. No one plays King.
That is sad…

How do you set this up in game please?

Hi, im looking to get the playground achievement. Occasionally someone pops into the lobby but i need more than 2 people to get it. If anyone can help :slight_smile:

Hi, im looking to get the playground achievement. Occasionally someone pops into the lobby but i need more than 2 people to get it. If anyone can help :slight_smile: