Cars - Gordon Murray Automotive T.50 2022 - Interior color appears to be bugged

Interior colors are apparently bugged. Central seat is orange as it is supposed to be; one side seat is dark grey; one side seat is beige but both headrests are dark grey; upholstery behind the front orange seat is blue instead of being dark grey like door cards and dash. Both seats, their headrests, rear upholstery should all be same color.

I got an AI to spawn in one and it’s alright on Xbox One S ingame, both back sets are black.

Might be Platform specific or a Thumbnail Bug

If you want to try spawn one yourself it’s a Mid-S2 Class Hypercar so you can make a Blueprint and set Custom Restrictions to allow only the GMA T.50 and a similar PI Car you own (I used the Hennessy Venom F5). Generally atleast 1 AI will spawn in one and you can take a look.


Interesting. This might look normal because it’s a lesser LOD and it probably uses a different set of smaller textures. I found a vid of some guy on youtube who somehow got it already and it has mismatched interior, just like on a thumbnail. Might be only higher LOD issue.


Same thing on PC. Oh and there is no hand movement while shifting gears, event T.50 is manual

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Have it in-game. Can confirm the seats are weird. Either buggy textures or a very weird spec for the car they scanned.

EDIT: So, very weird spec. Doesn’t explain why the seats look normal when car detail is set to Medium or lower, but it is what it is.

Can confirm that it wasn’t just a thumbnail for my version as well (steam), also there is no explode option in forzavista.

The interior colors are not a bug - the reference information was provided by the manufacturer during the licensing process.

The team is investigating the lack of the Explode option in Forzavista.