Cars - Ford Mustang 2024 - no sound

2024 mustang gt ford no engine sound no evegine swapes still no engine sound help

  • Quit your game and restart your device to see if that fixes the issue before posting. This solves many issues!
  • Game crashing or account issues: submit a ticket directly to
  • Bug reports only here - use Suggestions Hub to request changes or new content.
  • No duplicate topics - search existing topics and upvote them. Read the Known Issues list.
  • One issue per topic.
  • No vague titles - use a simple, clear description of the issue in your title.
  • English only. Inglés requerido. Inglês obrigatório. Anglais requis. Требуется английский. 需要英语.英語必須.
  • Add relevant details to the template fields below, erase this section, post, and VOTE above the topic title.
    • Help close the loop by replying again if you’ve resolved the issue or have found a workaround.

Bug Info: (gameplay mode, full car model or track name, etc. Describe what we should be looking at in any photos you provide)
Platform: (Steam, Series X, Series S, Windows PC, Cloud)
Edition: (Game Pass, Standard, Deluxe, Premium, Add-Ons)
Account: (Family sharing, solo account, different purchase vs playing account, etc)
PC GPU: (model and driver version or date last updated)
Peripheral: (full wheel model name, last update drivers)
Settings: (graphics, Assists, Accessibility, etc)
Xbox Settings: (any parental controls? Quick Resume?)
Attempted fixes: (Have a Support ticket? rebooted, reinstalled, set settings to default, rolled back drivers, etc)
Content Update: Was this happening prior to the most recent content update or did it start after the update?