Career and garage lost

I have just lost all of my game progress and cars. I loaded the game up and it said the save file on the console was newer than the one in the cloud. Assuming that there had been a sync problem last time I played, I chose to use the newer file, which was then synced with the cloud. As it turns out this is a brand new career. I have gone from level 40 something to 0. Lost all my credits and all of my cars.

If I go into profile it lists all of the badges and titles that I previously earned, and under multiplayer hoppers it tells me I have X number of cars eligible for each class - however I no longer have these cars.

Is there anyway to get my career back? I do not want to do it all again, and after all the recent service interruptions and achievement issues with Xbox Live I have lost all faith in the Xbox. Since launch I have put about £1000 into the Xbox One, console included - money not well spent it seems.

This is why i never pick the newer save. Always best to go with older save. Bit late now but atleast you no for next time.

Same here I always go with the older save and have never had a problem.

This whole “we refuse to save your progress to your console” seems to be causing more issues than it has solved.

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Hi there,

Sorry to hear about your issue. Can you please send me a PM with full details regarding what happened and what you lost.


Thanks, Helios, I’ve sent you a message.

Ouch! I really feel sorry for u man as I only lost my cars but you lost everything.hope you get some stuff back :wink:

Luckily I never had an issue like that, but at least you said you were level 40 something. Imagine this happens to you with level 500+.

All things relative… Driver level 48 might not be high to some people but when you have a full time job and a family it takes a long time to reach that level.

Need to start from scratch again, nothing else can really be done.

Hello everyone! I too had the same Bobaloba’s problem! The game was zero credits, the garage and the synchronization Drivatar! No money no car in the garage! _ 'was maintained at pilot level but not the level of affinity with car manufacturers! Big problem! Help

Drop me a PM with details of your loss please, including rough total value of the cars/credits you lost.


Exact same thing just happened to me! Lost all progress and cars. Was lvl 50ish, took 6 months to get there!