Car pack Downloaded but still have to use in game credits to get the cars

Hello, maybe someone of you can help me.

I just downloaded the forza motor sport car pass from the addons they did download, but when i go to the buy car option i have the cars unlocked like no dlc restriction but i still have to pay for them.

Am i doing something wrong. please help. thanks

Hey, try restarting your FM5 and see if that sorts it, you should be able to buy each car FREE one time only, normally when I purchase a car it shows up as FREE right after I’ve bought the car/pack.

Sometimes you need to hard reboot your console and/or wait some time before thye appear for free. It may take up to 24 hours. HAving to spend credits to buy cars though, you poor thing, isn’t that the only thing to spend them on in this game; cars and upgrades for cars???