I had a bunch of unicorn cars and I posted one on the Auction House and it was under review, now for some reason I can’t do anything?? Someone please help me!
It’s quite likely that you have been banned. You cannot place unicorn cars on the auction unless you have hacked the game. You should have received an ingame message telling you the length of the ban.
I haven’t got a message telling me I was banned, but I did email Turn 10, and I tried to fix it by deleting all of my Forza stuff but it didn’t help. I didn’t hack the game… Do you think I can get unbanned?
You did the right thing by emailing T10, unfortunately now all you can do is await a reply. A Moderator may tell you more, sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. Unbanning is unlikely as T10 pretty much have a zero tolerance with these issues, and are rarely wrong in their findings.
Do you have any ingame messages on any of the other Forza games?
I haven’t checked i’ve only played Forza 4 today, but I believe I shouldn’t be banned, I was never told I can’t post unicorns on the auction house.
You weren’t told, because it is not possible to put unicorns on the auction house with the game being hacked somewhere along the line. How did you acquire them in the first place? were they gifted to you from a friend ?
Some I got from importing my Forza 3 save and one of my friends did send me a couple cars, the car I put up was a 1969 Camaro…
There’s your answer then, blame your “friend”.
So, do you believe I will ever be unbanned? I’ve only had the game for 6 days and I didn’t know that I wasn’t allowed to post unicorns on the auction house…
Apologies for your frustration, however you should contact Turn 10 at forzafb@microsoft.com
Bans or enforcement of Xbox LIVE’s Terms of Use and Code of Conduct are not discussed on the forums.
All you can do is await a reply from T10…you’ll need to be very patient though!
Thank you for your replies, I’ll be patiently waiting and hopefully everything can be resolved…