Hi, I have been playing Forza Horizon since early 2013 & also started Forza 4 at the end of 2013.
I have already sent Turn10 an email, but just to be sure I’ll ask here.
I think it was sometime late 2013 when I tried to access the storefront, auction house and also went to paint my cars when I repetitively get this message, “this feature has been temporarily disabled. please see forzamotorsports.net for more info”.
I’m still not sure if I was meant to come here on the forums or not, but it does tell me to visit the website, but I didn’t know where to go.
The only thing I can do online atm is Free Roam and online races, etc.
So, if anyone can shed some light on this that would be mostly appreciated.
Sell the unicorns back to the game - shouldn’t be a problem. Sell them otherwise (like the AH or gift them)? Could be it. Email to forzafb@microsoft.com is your only option (you will get and auto reply).
If you tried to sell a Unicorn, the system automatically checking those people and you’re banned forever. Period. However, writing the forzafb@microsoft.com alias will result in an automated response, signifying they’ve received the email. Once you have that, if the question isn’t answered on the forums, you just need to be patient while they investigate.