Unicorn Cars: Ban or no ban?

So, I recently received some unicorn cars. And I’m in need of money badly. I know that if you GIFT a unicorn car, you may get banned. But what about putting one or two up for auction? Help please!

You will be banned for putting them in AH, Sell them to the game or paint/tune non-unicorn cars and put in AH

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I thought you COULDN’T gift or auction unicorn cars?

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[Edit - My post was unnecessarily aggressive]

Okay, then might I ask why there is a “Unicorns Only” option in the auction house? That’s why I’m so confused

T10’s original plan for FM4 included them (T10, not us) occasionally selling unicorns through the auction house. They put the tab in to make it easier for people to find unicorns when they were being sold by T10. Unfortunately, the modders came along with illegitimate CR and started to bid on the unicorns. This forced T10 to stop selling unicorns through the auction house very early on. They left the tab in mainly as a trap for modders that lack the common sense not to sell cars they aren’t supposed to sell. If the unicorn is legitimate it’s from T10 and is locked; you won’t have the ability to auction or gift it. Therefore, any unicorn in the auction house is a fake that was modded in. And if a player has the option to gift or auction their unicorn it is, again, a fake that was modded in.

Sell (not auction) the unicorns your friend gifted you to the game (this will remove them from your garage). If you try to auction them you will get auto-banned. And if you’d like to do this community a great service, please ask your modding friend to knock it off. If he continues to mod please send his gamertag in a private message to Snowowl, along with any evidence you may have of his modding, as well as file a complaint against him through XBL for tampering with the console.

If you need CR start a thread on here and politely ask for some. There are a ton of people on here with multiple millions of legitimate CR they’d be willing to give away. Or go and start a private lobby online, run a timed raced of 15 minutes on Benchmark Layout A with all assists turned off, run a prototype racecar (the R1 and X class cars), and follow the inside wall around. If I remember right you get 50K a pop. And if you’re fast, you can get a good 100K every 5-10 minutes doing Rivals mode.


I’d have offered you as many credits as you needed if you hadn’t sent me an unsolicited message in game dropping the f bomb in front of my 6, 10 and 12 year old children. By the way, I’ve made about $5 Billion selling those rainbow cars you told me no one would [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted- fyerball] buy. Classy guy.

Please sell a unicorn and get banned and do all the rest of us a favor.


Oh, you ticked off Nacho? You’re definitely a special guy, that’s hard to do… Ignore my suggestion about asking for CR on here then; you tell off one community member you’ve pretty much told all of us off. Especially someone as key as Nacho…

EDIT: Sincerely apologize to Nacho and turn your modding friend in to Snowowl and maybe, just maybe, you can slowly get your rep back on here.

Nacho, I do apologize for that. I was just giving you a hard time. I was goofing around and got bored. I apologize for your children seeing that message. And after seeing how much money people have in the game now, I do understand why people wouldn’t have a problem buying your design. Yet again, I apologize. I was being very immature. And thanks for the info Yakov.

Oh my…


Oh, and about your GT, I’ m sure no disrespect was meant there either.

Please do put one up for auction. If you could be so kind, please let one of us moderators know when you’ve done so.


@Yakov Alfa, @FA Racing, and @KoolIROCZ,

Thanks for the support. I get an occasional nasty message from random strangers, and I always report them and block them and forget about it, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen the guy post on the forums just a few hours later, so I felt the need to respond. And Kool, you nailed it on the GamerTag. Like I said, classy guy.



Nacho, maybe he doesn’t get it that this is a community of decent, willing to help people, some people just in-gage mouth B4 brain, sad there is no fixen that.

i have nooooo unicorn cars and really really want some pleaseeeeeeee!!!

Why don’t you ask the o.p. to gift you his.

Okay, I have no doubt that you are all nice, giving people. I realized that very shortly after this was made. And believe it or not, I’m not too bad of a guy. I just tend to be a complete idiot, and do something without thinking just like Cipher said. Trust me, I know I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but a lot of the times I realize what I said shortly after I said it. And about the Gamertag, it is meant purely for the irony. Kennedy was my favorite president. Nacho, I’m not asking for your forgiveness, because I’m sure I know what the response is, but I truly am sorry. As soon as you said your children seen it I felt bad. I’m not a whole lot older than your oldest child, I’m only 16, so me using that language in the first place was unnecessary and immature. So, yet again Nacho, and everyone else, I apologize for being so immature.

Oh my…

forgive by FA RACING 01, on Flickr