Can't play online

Hello hopefully someone can help me with this. I’ve been playing fy4 for a while and on Sunday I loaded it on my pc. It took a while to sync then stopped working.
I reloaded it on my Xbox and got a sync error message.
Sinc then I can’t play online. I have created a ticket with support but got no answer.
I have tried another account and I can still play online.
I get an alert saying unable to connect to session
I will try to post a picture bit cant work out how to.

I have the same problem!

on xbox Game&Add-ons->saved data delete the ProfileData
Start Game it is doing new sync

on pc apps&features->fh4->options->reset clears userdata

the synctime depends on your gallery and stuff so it can take a while

Hello I have a problem with the title screen of the game. There is a data synchronization problem that lasts about 5 minutes and after about 5 minutes an error message opens on forza saying: “an unknown error occurred want to try again later” I’ve been trying for 1 month and it still doesn’t work, I reinstalled the forza horizons game and I reset the Windows store and the backup data.
I need help

Thank you in advance.

Windows updated? Game updated?
Logout in WindowsStore and Login
Check WindowsStore for XboxApp Updates same for Xbox GameBar
Services running? run cmd as admin do a → sc query “XblGameSave”
if it says ‘SOPPED’ → net start “XblGameSave”

Click WindowsIcon type ‘live’ it shows XboxLiveSettings click on it select Network+Check


App&Features reset data do new sync


Nothing Is working. It’s strange as it works fine on another account. I am beginning to think I may have been banned but have not got s banned message.

can’t follow
on pc or xbox where does it show the message?

do you own the game in the other account?
on pc click windows icon type ‘live’ in xbox live setting>network>check/repair what does it say

if there was a reason for ban and you think you’re banned ask support

otherwise it should work

sync process completed?
error message?
got you inside of the house?

as far as i know, you have no connection issue, because the alternate account is working.