Can't play Forza Horizon 2 offline

I recently purchased Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox One (after completing FH3 & 4) but noticed after a couple hours of game that I can’t buy any car through the store.
I managed, through a menu bug, to get the “Forza 10 years Anniversary” cars but now that I’m asked to buy a rally car, I just can’t (even free ones) and got blocked in the game a bit after running against the jet.
I also tried to reach Microsoft support but didn’t manage to reach anyone but bots that advice me useless tips.

Is the game definitely down ? Is there some previous related communication that I kinda missed ?

Thanks in advance !

Hello SK.
I’m new to this game too. So I’m no expert on this.
Not sure what you mean by offline?
If you have no Internet, you just play the base game, I guess.
I have been playing this week with Internet connection. Free cars are unavailable to download. Probably due to the age of the game and licensing issues.
Multi player is working fine this week. The servers come and go a bit. I can’t download others car tunes at the moment.
So, just take what you can from it. I’ve enjoyed the limited experience thoroughly.
Hope you enjoy it too.

Hi MR T5654,

Thanks for your answer.
I just started the game story and got stuck when asked to select a car for the next championship since I had a message (while selecting a car) detailing a server communication issue (it occurs for any car except, as you said, for free cars that one can’t download anymore).
I since found a workaround : when selecting a car, right after the error message, one can still choose a color for the car (Y button), thus bypassing the error message and then allowing to buy the car once in the “painting” menu. A bit tricky but that will do in order to play the game.
As for multiplayer modes, I tried the “concentration” event but even when 12 players are on the line, nothing happens, I assume there might be server issues or simply shutdown.
Too bad one can’t by the dlc anymore, I would have gladly purchased them :slight_smile:

Multiplayer-wise, i usually go to freeroam and start events there, or do the online roadtrips.

Happy you figured out how to buy the cars. That first pop up that doesn’t work, is where you use other people’s car designs. The bit you go to after, is where the standard colours are.

Have fun.

I’m kinda late to the party, but I have the same your problems… but what is the menu bug to get Forza 10Y anniversary? I tried with the Forza Hub but no luck…