Im having some real issues this week all of a sudden, with Forza Horizon 2’s Online, absolutley EVERYTHING to do with online, is either “disabled” greyed out, or an error message “The forza Horizon 2 server is unavailable” so as a result, I cant access Forza reward money, cant upload photos, cant take part in races with friends, or accept their invites, and the car meets are empty, its quite eery being all alone haha!
I have a current Gold Sub for another 10 months, My NAT is open, I have completley uninstalled the game, the packs, and the storm island pack, and re-installed from scratch, There are no updates that it is telling me about, and I have hard rebooted several times now
The oddest part, is that all of my other games, Forza 5, GTA V, Even Worms, all work perfectly online! not a problem at all, so im utterly stumped as to why I cant do a single thing online in FH2? Have I missed any troubleshooting tips? I just want to heckle my friends online haha
Check bottom right corner of the screen for a small white spinning circle, its the saving indicator. When the circle disappears press the guide button to go to your home screen.
On the big fh2 tile press menu button and choose quit.
Then on the console hold the power button for 5 secs until the console turns off.
Once it is fully off turn it on and once its fired up try the game again.
Cheers for that I may have done something similar to that during my messing about, but to be totally sure I went and did exactly that, unfortunatley that hasnt resolved it, although it looks like it has fixed some people perfectly, kinda wish it worked for me too haha
It may seem redundant, but try these specific steps:
1 - Out of all games in the Dashboard, hold the glowing X button on the console until the Xbox One fully shuts down.
2 - Unplug the electrical connection to the wall (or remove the wall-side connector from the external power pack), and let it drain all power out for about three minutes.
3 - Reconnect the electrical connection in #2.
4 - Start the console as you normally do, but DO NOT interrupt the self-check of the setup. Sign into Xbox Live.
5 - Retry the game again.
Hi Snowowl, Thanks for that info! I have Tried that out a couple of times now, but each time it appears to just “startup” as if nothing is out of the ordinary, like there is no system check happening that I can see, it just boots up normally from a dead cold start, unless that is actually what should be happening? in any case, despite doing that I still have the same issue with FH2’s online features, yet I can jump into the likes of GTA V or Even forza 5 with friends and have no issuses at all, its almost as if the game (FH2) isint even trying to connect, as everything I try online is met instantly with a server unavailable message, but appears to not even attempt to connect in the first place, its really strange, its almost as if the game wants an update, but wont do it? I would have thought that totally uninstalling and re-installing it would re-download the latested updates for it if there were any?
In the meantime ive totally unplugged the one from all power overnight, and when I can get access to it today, Will have another go, but considering what you guys have already gotten me to try, im not very hopeful haha
I have managed to accomplish some things this morning haha
I was able to perform a system update of the console itself, the weird thing was. I couldnt just do it through the “settings\system” way, the only way i could obtain the update was through going via the “new system update” tile on the front page that just tells you the features in the update, never mind, I was able to complete the 255mb update, and restart the console, after the restart, I updated the controller once again, then another restart, FH2 is still refusing to do anything online, so i did the “5 seconds hard off” option listed above again, and there is no further system or controller updates, the game itself doesnt say anything about updates, it fires up everytime, but I still cant access anything online at all, everything greyed out behind a “forza horizon 2 servers are unavailable” error wall, and im the only one i know of with the problem haha, everyone else is racing online perfectly fine >_<
I dont think I am, I havent opted in for anything I know of?
did another re-install today, still the exact same issue even after re-trying every solution above once again after the re-install
Got a friend to overlook our internet configuration, he found some small config issues that might hinder connection reliability, and has changed these, as a result my online interactions for Forza 5 and GTA V have been better than ever after the changes he did today, we went in and confirmed that the network settings are fine on the xbox, they are all auto and have configured perfectly, NAT is fully open and all diagnostics on the console say A-OK!
every other game works fine, FH2 just refuses to do anything online, but it will Drag in drivertars not an issue, my friends drivertars are everywhere in the game world
I even did some more road trips in both vanilla and storm island incase it was confused, and thought there was something there that had to be done before “unlocking” online
Im actually at the end of my wits now, every single thing I have tried has failed, I even made a video to show what im on about:
Its just doing my head in getting invites to play from friends, and I cant join at all hahaha
I am in the same boat with the server unavailable on forza horizon 2. It’s been going on for 2 weeks now and still can’t play online although with my other games I can play online. I’ve tried almost those same remedies to fixing the problem but still can’t access online
fired it up even just now and everything to do with anything online is either locked, or unavailable, and judging from the other threads and posts floating around, im not the only one, the number of people affected seems to be growing even, I messed around in GTA V online with a whole bunch of friends last night for a good couple of hours and it was perfect, no problems whatsover, when than finished I decided to try Forza 5 and very soon I was in a random room full of americans ramming me off the road, it was great!
jump to FH2? Nothing. drivertars seem to pull in not a problem, but I cant even share photos its that bad haha
I simply cant re-install it for a third time now, because ive blown out our bandwidth cap as it is with the first 2 re-installs, and even this morning trying all the hard\soft powering on and off, signing in and out, all that malarkey, nothing works even in the slightest haha
well, it was nearly a full month of this problem, but today, through no action of my own, its working again?
everything online is working, I can join games, I had about 35 messages backed up with gift cars, money (thanks guys!) and rivals challenges, so I really dont know what to think of that, I simply turned it on and its working now, the only slight issue, is the drivertars arent using livery’s? they just race and drive about in stock painted cars, where as before all of this they would rock some pretty awesome paint schemes
but otherwise relieved that it appears to be working now, just puzzled as to what changed haha
Did u guys miss a recent update… try going into the manage games section and check for updates. I know on other games if u missed an update it wouldn’t let u play online until the update was cimpleted. Make sure u have all updates and car packs downloaded then try again.
In the past if you rejected the update and opted to play offline, it wouldn’t bother you with it until you did a full reboot or re-install. It’s worth checking into anyways - if you did miss an update, it’s a quick and easy solution to the problem.
If you have your Xbox One set to instant on mode - the one where you can turn in on by saying"Xbox On" - then updates can download and install while the console is “off”. HOWEVER, they can only do this if you quit the game. If you turn the console off and have not quit the game, obviously nothing will happen. To make sure all updates occur properly with Instant On mode, make sure when you are doing playing the game you watch the corner of the screen for the saving icon and then return to the dashboard. From here, highlight the game, press menu, and select the quit option. This will prevent any game save issues and allow all updates to occur.
Also, keep an eye out on the servers status by clicking here. If there are any Xbox Live Issues, they will be listed on the Xbox Live Service Status page.