Can't pick cars

So after this new update (Not sure if it was an actual update, I just see that the hoppers are all new so I’m assuming it was some sort of update) I can’t pick my cars. When I go to my garage or to choose a car in lobby I can’t only pick the very top one of the list in each make. It seems like I’m holding the left trigger as no matter how much I try to go down the list it forces it back up.
I’ve tried a different controller and resetting the game and my system to no avail.
The only time it’ll let me go further down the list is if I’m in a multiplayer lobby and choose to rent a car (which sucks because then I don’t have my tunes loaded)

Any help would be appreciated.

Reset console, did you go to settings, power, restart console? Have you tried deleting your game save on console only and let it resycn?

I just got on and it allows me to choose whatever car I want if I buy a new car. My garage and car collection are still bugged.

I did hardboot the Xbox. I have not tried to delete and reinstall the game yet. I will if I absolutely have to, but it’ll take days for it to resync with my internet connection. I’m using that as a last resort option.

Days to resync your game save?

I’m not talking about deleting game and reinstalling that.

If you do the game save, make sure it’s console only upon deleting, and NOT from everywhere.