Can't get a race online :/

I made two threads about this previously, because I’m just so 150% desperate to get some online racing!

I get into a lobby grind before every time, a race starts and I’m left in the lobby. Seriously, the most annoying thing. It’s like in a custom lobby and you don’t ready up.

Link to my previous thread (more in detail) -

Sorry if this is in violation of something, but I just really want to get this issue resolved


No use starting 2 topics but you fail to mention ANYTHING AT ALL about the troubleshooting you’ve gone through that is common with Xbox Live and the steps that Microsoft Support will also try with you: is your console correctly set up for Xbox Live, are the ports forwarded, what is your NAT-type, have you got the latest firmware, have you got the latest game updates, have your powercycled your console, have you even tried at a friends house with your console and so on.

The only reason I didn’t say what troubleshooting I have done is because I haven’t any idea what to do. I’ve reset my broadband modem and that’s it. Still no use and haven’t been able to play online since around the Long Beach update.

This has happened to someone else also, A mod Snowowl i believe got it sorted for him. Seems T10 have a “switch” that needs switching for players that are unable to play online.

How would I notify them of my needing of the switch being switched?, or somewhere else?