Its maddening to want to use someone’s superior tune just to find out it comes with a terrible choice of rim style and size that completely destroys the look of a great livery. Most quality rims make little difference to the actual performance. Maybe just make swapping rims acceptable even if you are using a locked in tune. Some tuners seem to choose the same rim every time like some kind of trademark but seriously, donk looking oversize gold wire wheels on an offroad buggy … aaaarrrgggh.
This has been a constant for many years over many games. I don’t think they will ever change it.
That’s why I have given up entirely on using other people’s tunes. All the popular tunes turn almost every car ugly with front and rear spoilers, and god help the ones with ugly rims. I have published many tunes focusing on providing the best possible tune without adding aero, custom wheels, or reducing the ride height too much to keep the stock look. But I can’t compete at all with others in terms of downloads.
many times if i’m not happy with someone’s choice of rims i will reverse engineer their tune. it’s best to do this with a fresh untuned car where you haven’t bought any parts for it yet. download the tune in question, buy and install the parts, go into custom tune (it will prompt you to reset to default) and reinstall all the parts manually. then choose the rims you desire and adjust the tune accordingly. keep the original tune that you downloaded to compare your settings to the downloaded one. many times when i have done this i actually ended up with a better tune.
Runs can definitely make a difference, and even change the vehicles core stats, or raise/lower the PI by as much as 2. They’re actually pretty important when it comes to min/maxing a vehicles at the maximum for it’s class.
However, I see absolutely no reason why you can’t change rims to anything with the same weight as the ones on the tune. The wheels are 100% functionally identical between those in the same weight class, and only change the vehicle cosmetically.
I mean, there’s essentially NO reason what so ever for them not to already allow you to do that, except “just because”. It’s basically the equivalent of locking your car to a certain paint color, because that’s what the tuner had.
I don’t like locking the rim style in general, but if they HAD to do it, it makes more sense for liveries to set the rims, if anything.
From the point of the tuner, its all about the weight of the rim. Form followes function. Sometimes I need a few kg more or less, and then I go looking for a lighter/heavier rim. And the strange ones are easier to memorize. That list of hundreds of rims isn’t sorted by anything.
They come in maybe 5 weight categories and that golden one is in the lightest. Easy pick. I personaly try to stick to something more neutral, but still.
The best would be imho, if I could pick the weigth under ‘Upgrades’, and the visual in that weight category would be under ‘Design’. But I don’t expect that to happen.
Same thing with aeros. I don’t slap on that Forza-Wing because I think it looks awesome, I slap it on because the car needs it and for most cars the Forza-Wing is the only choice. If there’s something else I take that, guaranteed. I’m sick and tired of the same wing on every car just as much as you, but if its the only wing and I need more downforce in the rear, what am I supposed to do?
I completely agree. This is the silliest thing in FH5. Cars can fly in this game, let’s not get nitpicky over the weight of aftermarket rims
And once we take the weight out it is absolutely no tuning option anymore so go put it in the painting section!!
Agreed. I would wholeheartedly welcome a change where rims became cosmetic only.
Also rims are in many cases (not all) like fashon objects and T10/PG sould take a leaf from recent NFS games and keep up with the times. Who even want wheels (besides the classics) that are two decades out of fasion?
Who even cares about rims that are “in fashion”? I just want rims that I like the look of.
And on a side note: If there is one or more extra tires with matching rims mounted to the vehicle and I change the rims in any way, then change the rims on the extra tires that are supposed to match, too.
One of the things that annoyed me the most in FH4 was to be able to use someone’s else tune and not be able to actually see (at least) how that tune is made, or as you say change basic things like the rim style. But keeping in mind how limited FH4 was and FH5 is talking about car customization and whatnot, i would say we are happy that we can at least use liveries and aply some decals…