I cant find a place to sell my cars, only remove them, dont tell me its not possible . just looked in my garage there is alot of [Mod Edit - Hieronymus (Profanity removed)]there, but i want to remove them for a good cause, rennovation u know. out with the old and ugly and in with the new and pretty :smiley: !

Just like Forza 5 no. You can make credits really easy in this game. Just remove what you don’t want.

hes right though, what if you bought a car and want to sell it because you don’t like it

I’m quite sure you can sell your car to other players at online car meets; however I can’t confirm this as I’m yet to try the game online.

Yes you can sell your cars. In the garage highlight the car but don’t get in it. The option to sell will come up.

I was offered the chance to sell a Wheelspin car because I already had one, and received the credits for it. Haven’t had a chance to try selling a car from my garage though.


Sadly we can only remove them :frowning: I do wish the gift a car function was still in this one as atleast we can give the cars we don’t want to friends who may use them and put them to use in the horizon roads. Does anyone else want this function or just me on this one lol

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I see no harm in that; although you don’t get any credits for them, you don’t need credits that much in this game. Got 175 cars in garage (for the cheevo) and still 12 million in the bank. Yes, I did spend a good amount of time on the game already but money is abundant so if you don’t like a car, just remove it.

While I’d like to have this function, too much abuse in the past is now punishing us in the present. :frowning:

Absolutely correct :frowning: it’s such a shame cause that was such a good feature especially for friends of mine who don’t have as much time to play and work away a lot but never mind still loving everything about the game :slight_smile:

Yeah… I wish we could get the sell function back

Crap i removed a car thinking i may get CREDITS…