Can not view tune files

When I try to view my tuning files, or when I search the share front for tunes, I am always sent back to dashboard.

It happens when viewing my own, saving files, or viewing the SF files.

It has been happening constantly since the update.

Ive tried the usual hard reset etc.

Anyone know a fix?

(i searched for “can not view saved tunes” to no avail)



Hi Claret,

Haven’t seen this myself or heard of it from anyone else.

I have noticed that since the update when I do a ‘load’ for tunes it is actually populating all the slots in the carousel unlike before, and that it now seems to be throwing tunes up on star ranking when you invoke a criteria-based search. I’ve only been in once and seen this, so it may have been an aberration lol, but something definitely does seem to have been changed under ‘load tune’ since the update.

Had you hit the number of tunes limit beforehand?

All I can do is share some of my issues.

I have previously hit the file limit. That did not cause any game crashes. If I tried to save or download another tune it would tell me I have too many and that I needed to delete one before trying again.

I replaced my console recently and obviously reinstalled Forza and did not start the game until everything had installed or downloaded.

When I tried to race on Road America any variation it would go into a sound loop for a couple of seconds and then quit to dashboard. All other tracks worked fine. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game (only the game not the addons) and it fixed the issue.

Now my only remaining problem is when I go to paints it acts as if it finds none but does not crash.

Only thing I can suggest is uninstall and reinstall the game and all updates. Its a pain and will download quite a few gigs but may fix the isuse.

Try to cold booting on your consol first, it empties the cache and usually solve many problems.

#How to Clear the Cache When Experiencing Problems

Power down your console, then unplug the power cable from the back of the Xbox One. Wait for two minutes, then plug the power cable back into the back of the Xbox One, and monitor the power brick, waiting for it to cycle from a white light to an orange light, and then turn the power on. This will perform a cold restart of the system.

This operation has solved a problem where, when starting a game on the Xbox One, the system would show just the initial picture page of the game, and then return to the Home screen without starting the game. This particular problem did not affect Apps on the Xbox One, but only games (downloaded or disc-based). Once this operation was performed, the Xbox One was restored to full functionality.#

Good Luck!

Thanks for the input guys. Ill leave the uninstall untill all else fails (paranoid about loosing everything)

No need to be paranoid, I have reinstalled forza game a few times for various reasons. You will not lose anything, just wait until fully installed, then sync to cloud. All will be fine.

Ill have the try it now. I tried other things, and although i can new see tunes, i’m unable to view the message center without being dash boarded.

Ok. So i tried the cold boot, and ive done a complete re-install, and neither have had any impact.

the exact problem ATM is as soon as I press the shoulder button to move from the “daily payouts” tab to “rivals”, i am instantly thrown back to the dashboard, and have to completely restart the game.

the most annoying side effect of this is that once i finish a race, i get a stream of messages at the bottom informing of rival challenges and gifted money. There are now more than 10 messages, so its a bit frustrating.

any chance the controls have been remapped so the bumper and b button have been switched?

No. I can scroll across as far as the payout screen using the bumper.

B also still works for shifting up

Are you one of the beta testers for the new dash ?

Not that i am aware. I assume i would know if i was?

Yeah, you would know.

Just wanted to let you know that the issue is being looked into.
When you get thrown out to the dash it means the game has crashed. A game crash on the X360 usually meant that the whole box just freezes, not it terminates the game and puts you in the dash.

So there is something specific here causing your game to crash when you do certain actions, and we’re trying to find it and fix it.

Thanks for reporting here!


Much appreciated. Thankyou.