With many cars when I go into the shared tuning libraries from other players part way into the list there will be a blank image, then no values for the tune. All tunes after the blank have images but no tune parameters. Very frustrating. I don’t know if I’m missing good tunes.
Ive had this since day one of playing the game. I thought it was my connection. If you back out and go back sometimes it helps I just use the search feature for whatever im mainly looking for.
i think the file is saved on their local xbox, if their xbox is off line so is their tune. or perhaps they have deleted it so they could upload another. there is a limit of how many tunes you can have. the recommend tunes are probably saved to the server so they are available all the time.
Hmm, good points, however it’s intermittent. I think it’s a bug. It sucks because there are some great tunes out there.
I have this problem as well. It is very irritating. I think a lot of aspiring tuners lose out badly because their tunes never appear to prospective users. They show up as blanks. This means good stuff is missed and a smaller number of tuners get uses than is really fair. I’m sure T10 are aware and will sort it in due course.
+1, happens to me daily and has since day 1.
Usually backing out and going in again then waiting 10seconds or so before scrolling thru them seems to work. I think the problem is if you scroll thru them too quick they do not load from the cloud amd won’t in that instance of seaching.