Hi Forum,
I hope that someone can help us with this:
We are looking into make a 24-hour Le Mans event on the day of Le Mans. Same plan, with teams racing together for 24 hours, when they are not racing they can watch the real Le Mans, have a few beers and something to eat.
What I would like to know is can we use Forza Motorsport 7 for that?
Does the game have the track, cars and a 24 hour mode with weather and day/night circle?
Maybe even a teammode so that each player can track there own time/race?
Is it possible to see how many laps a driver/team have done?
If we cant use FM 7, are there another FM game that we can use?
Technically yes, as you can make races 24 hours long, you can even set up multi-class races too. However, there’s somewhat of an imbalance of performance within the suitable cars and you may have to come up with some restrictions to make it more of a balanced race should you wish.
And you cannot driver change in Forza, so unless there’s multiple people at one persons console/PC. There wont be driver swaps.
The problem is that this dosen’t support day-night rain cycle.
The time of day does change but the game doesn’t support a rate of time of day that can be altered, and like someone said above, it doesn’t support multiple drivers in the same car. I also wouldn’t trust the game not to crash when running that long either. You can set up endurance races as it is, but I’d rather see them concentrate on some fundamental bugs and adding more tracks than real 24 hour races that will to be honest appeal to a very small minority of the player base who might run them like once or twice a year.
TORA had a 24h LM event the week after the race, and I participated in it. It was twelve 2-hour stints that could be covered by a team of five drivers max. Six stints were day and six were night.
The racing was pretty good with very few incidents between drivers. I’d recommend looking into it for next year if you’re interested.
I learned to distrust games not to fail me over long durations. Forza Motorsport 7 is known to occasionally crash during long races, so I’d hate to be seventeen hours into a race and my game crashes. I tried a twenty-four-hour race in Project CARS, but I couldn’t save and resume without relying on the hardware resume function, and a third of the way in it did fail me. While FM7 has changing time and changing weather, they’re limited to a certain range of variation spanning the duration of the race, however long that is. You can have a race start at dusk and turn totally black, but it will do that whether your race is five minutes, five hours, or twenty-four hours. A twenty-four-hour race would simply go from day to dusk, dusk to night, night to dawn, or dawn to day over the span of twenty-four hours.