Hi all
Am thinking of doing a free play 2.4 hours of Le Mans and really would like some help as to
What time progression to set and how to ensure it mimics the real life race?
Ideal car class set ups?
Thank you
Hi all
Am thinking of doing a free play 2.4 hours of Le Mans and really would like some help as to
What time progression to set and how to ensure it mimics the real life race?
Ideal car class set ups?
Thank you
You can’t mimic the real race solo. In real life you’re one of three people driving your car. You’d realistically look to drive about eight of the twenty-four hours, in shifts. You’d do parts of it here and there.
We need an option for endurance races to swap with AI drivers, like in Project CARS.
What I did in Forza was I ran four stints each starting six hours apart, as if I was driving a couple hours at a time and two imaginary drivers were filling in between. You could do that, but if you don’t want to run that long you could do shorter chunks with time sped up. For example, four thirty-minute sessions with 4X time.
My apologies, what am planning to do is a 2 hours and 40 mins race alone, starts in the day, goes to night and ends in the day against the AI, but I didn’t know how to set it up with the accelerated time system
I believe you can set the Rolling time to 24x which should cover a complete day over the course of your race. I believe the real race starts at 3 or 4pm. Your weather should also be set to the variable since it generally is sunny and raining for parts of the race.
Additionally you will want to setup at least 3 sets of classes to race. 1 should be a P level with 1 being S and one being R.
I would also setup like 6 mandatory pitstops since not every car in the same class has the same fuel capacity which is very unlike the actual race. The fuel range difference between some cars in the same class is really bad in this game, like the C7R has enough fuel for like 6 laps but the 911 GT3 of the same year has like 9 and one of the others had like 12. With differences like that you just can’t compete.
Am thinking it might be best to do 3 hours so the first hour is day, second night, last hour is day so what am I best setting the time progression at?
To simulate 24hr progression within your 2hour 40 minute container, time prgression would need to be set at X9. Theres 1440 minutes in a day, divide by how long youre racing which is 160 minutes and thats your answer.
You want to race for 2.4 hours
24 hours = 1440 minutes
2.4 hours = 2 hours and 24 minutes (144 minutes)
That’s a x10 multiplier
All of the math done by others here is wrong. If you want to have a race in the games that simulates a 24 hour period than set the Rolling Time to 24hrs. When you set it to 24hrs the game will cycle through a day regardless of the time or lap length selected with roughly the correct proportion of day and night times. If you want to go with day/night/day than select the start time of the race to be something in the daytime (9am-3 pm).
That is incorrect, the shortest race you can do to simulate 24hrs is a 1hr race. It doesnt automatically adjust, if you pick a 5 minute race, the in game timer would simulate 2hrs.
Rolling time goes to x24, which means for every minute in real life 24 minutes passes by in the game. Since the op has said they want to race for 2 hours and 40 minutes in real life and wants the game to simulate a 24 hour cycle, then youd take how many minutes in a day, which is 1440, you then divide that by 160 minutes which is 2hrs and 40 minutes, which is what he wants to play. The answer is a x9 multiplier.
2.4 hours =/= 2 hours 40 minutes
2.4 hours = 2 hours 24 minutes (60 minutes x 0.4 = 24)
@Veato 's math above is correct. OP should choose a 10x time multiplier.
He said both, i was replying to this comment which said 2hr 40mins, which would be x9.
Fair enough, I didn’t see that. I was going by the thread’s title and the info provided in his original post.
So it’s op’s decision whether he wants 9x for 2 hours and 40 minutes, or 10x for 2 hours and 24 minutes.
Tbh i think he most likely meant 2.4hrs which is 10% of a 24 hour race. But either way he has the formula to race what he wants.
You can only select 1x, 2x, 4x, 12x or 24x. When I do races of greater than 1 hour I always select 24x but except for a single 2 hour race that I have done my races have never gone from day to night to day or night to day to night.