By the numbers: The Stat Chat

I made a comment in another post about an interesting stat I came across the other day & thought now that we are this far into the game, it might be interesting (or disturbing, depending on your perspective :smile:) to have a look at how much time weā€™ve actually put into this game.
To say the least, I was a bit shocked, as I donā€™t play the game on a daily basis & my time is usually limited to the weekends or days off. So hereā€™s what I found:

According to my XBOX stat for FH5, Iā€™ve playedā€¦.
2,780 hours since day one launch :flushed:
940 of those hours have been spent actually driving, which, as I mentioned in the other comment, makes sense as I have spent the vast majority of my time in game on designing & vinyls, some tuning & a few Eventlabs. The majority of my driving time would have to be running Rivals.

Some other stats I found somewhat shocking:
Laps completed in Rivals: 14,938 (you would think my times would be better :joy:)
Credits earned from Rivals: 35.4M
Distance driven: 71, 945
Total Winnings: -582M

Iā€™m not sure where all this puts me in terms of how much of my life Iā€™ve actually wasted with this game :joy: but it certainly reflects well on the amount of value Iā€™ve received from it in terms of gameplay.

So care to share what your stats are & of those, which are the ones you find the most significant?


I just looked and the stats thing broke

Iā€™m at over 139 days compared with your 115 days but I think the system stopped at that point, I canā€™t easily find others

Iā€™m not far off you Bravo with the time played, only 2 days and just under 7hrs between us so puts me at 2,725hrs played, only 792hrs driven surprisingly but although wasteful I do often just leave my game sat there while Iā€™m out.

Notable statsā€¦

Apparently I once had 327 collisions in a race :joy: has to be the game being stupid that.

9,720 Rivals laps, again surprising considering all the tests I do for the preview thread now.

Not a personal one this but Horizon Exhibitions is at 80/84, fingers crossed that since that 84 has never been changed since the start of the game it means there are still 4 more new races planned before the end of the gameā€™s support.

Trials entered - 349, geist told me yesterday that this includes the Tours youā€™ve done so that would explain the abnormally high number here.

And for the last one another example of FH5 being FH5ā€¦

My highest speed trap score - 305mph
But my top speed? - 300mph lol.


information can be extracted; if there are extreme values, as there will be for me, then it means a specific ā€œthingā€ is going on that others arenā€™t doing

just booting the game to have a look

Iā€™ll try and avoid posting the broken stats . . . nah, Iā€™ll post them


at prestige 9 level 100

time driven 1825h 52m 16s
winnings 784,510,544
highest number of collisions in a race 6,948 (ha ha ha)
total #forzathon points earned 141,778
times using anna 11

accolade points earned 1,393,340 (still top 50 I think, not that it means anything)
horizon exhibitions completed 79/84

kudos received 7,985
credits earned from rivals 8,521,034
laps completed in rivals 1,662
games of the eliminator won 6 (so near and yet so close as they donā€™t say)
legendary cars driven in the eliminator 0
games of the eliminator played 423

car perks earned 28,669
total skill points earned 110,906
total ultimate skills 335,688

highest speed trap score 310mph
top speed 300mph
average speed 116mph
distance driven 211,162 miles

[creative hub]
likes received 0 (impressive, given the accolades)

average left-front tyre load 7,067.0 N
average right-front tyre load 847,696.3 N
max left-front tyre temp 2,476.1 C (much too high even for brake discs)

[hot wheels]
qualifier stars earned 0/12
drift zone stars earned 15/1

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IDK, looks pretty low. Or maybe my value is wrong? Iā€™ve 1603 and I barely do Tours.
Iā€™ve completed ā€œ25 horizon toursā€ accolade in September 2023, so until now have done maybe 50.
Well, I do like to repeat Trial, so maybe Iā€™ve done over 1500 runs :upside_down_face:

Iā€™m at about 2060 hours played with 642 hours driven. I would have thought the hours driven would be a lot more.
Guess most of the time was spent tuning.

Donā€™t recall driving the Shelby Daytona much or winning anything with it.

A 30,000 foot drift seems pretty dubious.

Have no idea what to make of some of the crazy telemetry numbers.

I donā€™t see the stat for how many Trials Iā€™ve entered.

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trials are on the first tab at the bottom I think - I saw the number anyway - itā€™s there!

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Hereā€™s a shot of my ā€œgeneralā€ page.

My total ingame time is slightly over 4.000 hours (167 days) by now of which the most was spent in the design editor.

Sidenote: I donā€™t know why it lists the Jesko as favorite car. Iā€™ve rarely driven it. Maybe because itā€™s the car Iā€™ve achieved the highest topspeed with?

And I was asked how 134 is possible once. :smile:


Favorite car is the car in your garage with the highest time driven stat. It often jumps after going into freeroam, when pausing the game and then later when back in the house/festival. Tuning a car going back and forth to the house and testing seems to jump the time stat significantly. I think a zr2 ended up over 5k hours just trying a few different setups for a seasonal stunt.

My ā€œfavoriteā€ was the 17 NSX until I sold it. Since then I usually get in an Integra. Now itā€™s the Integra as favorite. The zr2 was favorite sometime in there but once itā€™s removed from the garage the stat will go to the next highest.

If you get one of the cheat cars it will take over both favorite and successful.

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Iā€™ve just checked the stats of my Jesko. It says Iā€™ve driven 38k km with it and spent 295 hours behind the wheel. Thatā€™s absolutely impossible!

So much about the authenticy of the stats.


yeah, the favourite/most successful car thing is . . . odd; I think mine bears some resemblance to reality but sometimes it throws up something totally unexpected and it changes for unfathomable reasons




Cheat cars?

Yeah the ones with maxed out stats


Itā€™s interesting to say the least. If you check history on cars you use do they show time driven?

Wow, ok, well thatā€™s bizarre. So someone used the car with a cheat mod then sold it with the cheat history?

I think itā€™s related to how the car is added to their garage. With one exception all that Iā€™ve run across are prize cars in the AH. The exception was an expensive autoshow car from the AH.


Notable stats:

Prestige 8/280
Time played: 6,888 hours (288 days)
Time driven : 2,476 hours
Distance driven: 194,496 miles
Time in 1st place: 914 hours
Clean laps: 5,167
Highest collisions: 213
Ultimate skills: 170,731

Kudos: 16,246
Laps in rivals: 9,903
Credits from rivals: 39,474,278

Times using Anna: 0
Flag rush games won: 0

Also Iā€™ve earned and spent at least 13 billion credits, including value of over 1500 Ferrari 512 unclaimed at auction


fun fact: trial stat includes Horizon Tour, theyā€™re the same thing presented differently. mine says over 1,000 but I probably havenā€™t done the actual trial more than 200 times