Bucket List Achievement Help

I bought Forza 4 and I’m loving it. I am a sort of perfectionist when it comes to games and I like to complete games. When I was on the very first year of the career tour, I got first on every single race, but one of my friends played the last race and got last and didn’t restart. I really want to get the Bucket List achievement, but it seems like now I can’t. I’m on the 5th year of career mode now and I’ve gotten first in every race since. Is there anyway I can replay that one race and get first so I can get the Bucket List achievement? Can you even restart career mode after the 10th year? I read somewhere about the event list, but I’m not sure. I just don’t want to beat the game and then replay the entire game. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Forget about the World Tour mode if you want to get the Bucket List achievement, it just throws up never ending, random car/track combinations which will very seldom match the races that you actually need to win.

Focus on winning every race in Event List and the achievement will be unlocked, I don’t think you actually need to win 100% of the events either.

Good luck, it’s a long achievement to unlock.


Do it by racing the event list,i got the achievement at 98%…

At the menu, go to “Go Race” → “Event List” → Select any race event.

You can do the World Tour it your own leisure, and as a bonus, some of the races you complete there will also count towards some of the races in the Event List. Be forewarned though - it is gonna take quite a bit of time to get this achievement. You’re gonna have to put up with hundreds of races, some of which will become monotonous very quickly, and you’ll be driving cars that you probably won’t like, nor are interested in. But hang in there, keep at it, and maybe try to grind through all of the races in 3-6 events a day (or more if you’re feeling ambitious, or don’t have any social demands that will draw you away from the game).