Bring fujimi back one of the best tracks in the game good for points and tandem drifters

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Leave my thread alone sergant keep your nose out if im gona make wish it will be for you stop butting in threads and go away

This topic has been discussed before. Individual wishlists are not allowed when there’s already a perfectly good dedicated wishlist thread.

You can post your requests in the thread at the link already provided. This thread will likely be locked shortly by a mod as there’s nothing else to discuss here…

Is everyone in training to become a moderator today.

Yakov got noithing nice to say dont comment besides i think you shouldnt be able to comment because you bully little kids about not being able to spell

I agree with you woom as for SergeantPounder and Yakov Alfa all you guys are. are bully’s iv seen that post were you guys are bullying on kids who have dyslexia that’s just striate up bullying and you should get banned for that. that’s just wrong

Simple mate Tandem drifters are above the law . GG NO RE

The rules are the rules. I’m not a moderator and I never will be. Doesn’t mean I can’t remind someone of the forum rules if they happen to forget…

Also, I was unable to respond in the other thread as it was locked (surprise!), but I guess I must type it out again… I’d like to think that I am not a bully, and considering I didn’t say a word about that gentleman’s purposed disability I’m pretty sure that in this particular situation I’m not bullying anyone.

At this point in time it’s mostly unlikely I’ll be banned as I’ve yet to see where I’m in the wrong here, and I don’t believe I’ve violated any of the forum rules. However, you gentleman are attempting to troll, which is against the forum rules, so I’d highly recommend you lot relax a little on the accusations before you go too far.

What decides if it is trolling or a opinion ?

Yakov you were saying that people who haave bad grammer cant post comments they have the same right as you to post just go away ur so up urself comming on here saying go to wish list is you being a smart ass ur just asking for ppl to have go back

Ladies, please.