Brake Bias - Possible reason cars are so loose

I believe one of the reasons the cars in Forza 6 behave so loose all the time may have to do with incorrect brake bias. I have a strange feeling that the default brake bias is set to 50/50. If anyone can confirm this it would be great. A brake bias closer to normal would be 60/40. Even 1 or 2% can have a huge effect on a car as it comes into a corner braking, make the rear all loose, and once that traction is broken stepping on the throttle makes it worse. The shorter the wheelbase of the car, the bigger the effect of brake bias is. I don’t know of a single car that would be set from the factory at 50/50.
A quick check on google (this info is hard to find) I found that 70’s Pontiac Trans Am were 70/30. I also found an article about the C6R Corvette race car that mentioned 63/37 as a neutral setting for brake bias. any more would cause under-steer any less starts to loosen the car up. According to what I have found, a 50/50 setting on the Vette would be incredibly difficult to drive.

Can anyone confirm what the Brake Bias is in stock settings? I know when i upgrade brakes, the first thing i check is brake bias, and it is a 50/50, and that seems to be wrong.


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No one?

You are on to something there. Stock brakes on a lot of cars can induce oversteer very easily. Especially mid or rear engine.

I’ve also thought that stock brakes (or non-adjustable) sometimes feel rear biased. When using adjustable brakes keep in mind that when you adjust the slider to the right (or rearward) the percentage number you see represents the front bias. Example: slider to the right at 48% means 48% to the front, 52% to the rear.
This is the opposite of Forza 5.

FM5 was backwards for some reason,it is now correct in 6.

the whole braking benchmark is broken in this game anyway, c7 stops from 60 to 0 in 91ft according to Motor Trend, in this game however it’s 116ft with stock settings, shifting it to 36% to the rear fixes the problem

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Very interesting!

Good find!

Is there any sort of guideline or advice anyone would like to share as far as setup % numbers??

I’m sure there are a lot of variables (vehicle weight distribution, engine position, vehicle weight etc etc)

Are their just too many variables to make a “noob” guide/reference sheet?


Nothing that would help set up a car in game.

A road car is typically around 60% braking on the front axel. Of course there’s no hydraulic bias but this is achieved by having larger brakes on the front. In game it’s very difficult to sense when you’ve exceeded the capabilities of the tires and lock a wheel or wheels. Because of this some odd brake setting may work better for you. Shifting bias to the rear allows a lock up but still gives steering control although you’ll possibly experience some oversteer. In some cars and on some tracks this could be quicker.

I generally set around 56% front and play around with pressure to try to dial out lock ups but I’m no great tuner. The harder your suspension the quicker and more severe the weight transfer and this can also induce lock ups.

Tuning - an inigma wrapped up in a puzzle surrounded by a conundrum in the form of a riddle.

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stock brakes are fine, I use them all the time (and street ones). No issue, I think you might be getting mixed up with tuning the breaks when its the diff or sway bars, or the brake % has been changed again.

You are right about this, the stock brake settings are way off in this game, but so are the diff settings and most of the oversteering problems are related to that.