I recently bought a new Xbox one s since my old one was sold behind my back .Anyways I bought Forza Horizon 3 and installed it and I have also installed the hot wheels and blizzard mountain expansion but when drive up to to either I press the button to travel and it says “install” I click on that and it shows that I’ve only bought the “Hot wheels 10 cars” purchased same goes with blizzard mountain . I remember on my old Xbox one s playing on both maps have I done something wrong or would I have to buy the expansion pass in order to access the maps?
Sounds like you need to install both of the expansions
Go into manage game for fh3 and look in the ready to install and the installed section and make sure they are actually installed
Did you happen to resync your save or did you start from the start again
yes they are both installed on my system. i was able to resync my last save from my old xbox so i started off where i left off from my old xbox.
you unlock this place during the “career”. I got my one with FH3 and HW but cant go immediatelly on the HW island.
Are you at the beginning of the game ?
you unlock this place during the “career”. I got my one with FH3 and HW but cant go immediatelly on the HW island.
Are you at the beginning of the game ?
nope. ive progressed more since i started playing again . i have two level 5 festivals one level 4 festival and one level 1.
Are you using the account that bought the expansion packs?
Depending on how you answer that, and 8f it’s yes, have you set your new console to home console? If the answer is yes, it shouldn’t matter. But I had a situation where I bought fh3 and fm7 digital license, but was having it tell me more often than not that I don’t own it. I had the same issue on all three ofy consoles, Microsoft was of no help. My console at home was set to my home console, on a whim I decided to set my console at work toy home console. I’ve never had trouble with either game since, on any console.