Big thanks to Turn 10 and MS!

Guys, can we all take a minute out of our days to thank Turn 10 as well as Microsoft Studios? Not only did they bring us a Ferrari (which I won) and an Aston Martin (which I did not win, darnit Triton) as prizes to events, but they keep on delivering! We just got a huge expansion pack with Porsches! Which now a days is a gem to see outside of NFS. As well as that though, they deliver news of Forza Motorsport 6: Apex, so now W10 users can experience the greatness that is FM6. But my favorite delivery is the introduction of the Lamborghini Super Trofeo events! ARE YOU KIDDING?! This is literally bringing a motorsports segment into a game! This has happened all in the span of a few days. So for everyone saying T10 doesn’t care about their consumers, I happily beg to differ. And the craziest part is, we still get a March DLC(correct me if I’m wrong though)! I can’t imagine all the hard work that everybody at the studios has put in to making all these things happen. So from me to all of you, thank you!

-Much love, Clutch63

P.S. Mods: lock if you feel the need to.


I smell sarcams or maybe cynism but if not…
Its interesting to see something different on this forum other than complains and rather negativistic opinions ( which sometimes are true )


No sarcasm sir. I just felt the need to thank them, it does seem overly positive a bit. And like you said, put something that’s different on the forums other than the complaining and general negativity. Lol

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I agree with your post wholeheartedly. The Porsche update is huge and done with such panache and quality everyone should just get the bloody thing and start unlocking the 250 gold that comes with it. In addition though, I think T10 will deliver another track to the game if not this month, at least at E3 and that one will be free. My feeling is that it will be Belle Isle as it is one of the two remaining IMSA calendar tracks not yet in the game. Hopefully this move will counter the negative backlash of the cost of the P/VIR update.


Indeed their best DLC release to date. The cars are beautiful and exciting to drive and oh those VIR track layouts… insayennn!

I can say Turn 10 has done well this time around. It’s unbelievable that they’ve got racing personalities to do voice overs on some events in the game (Benoit Treluyer, Patrick Long, etc). Also for the Porsche DLC, the $20 is worth it. Smooth campaign, great introduction to Porsche’s legacy.

So yeah, hats off to T10. They deserve all the support for creating a franchise as close to motorsport.


I have to agree. Honestly, I do wish they would invest some of this time in fixing broken or missing features, but, that said, I am enjoying what they’re currently bringing us, so, thank you Turn 10.

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Agreed. The Porsche pack is so easily worth $20. They release some, IMO, terrible cars in the recent packs, but the only thing worse is not buying the packs as I’d have nothing to look forward to at the beginning of each month. I can’t wait to see what they do next.


I think it’s great what they have done but I feel the track should be made free to everyone after a month or two. So you get early access if you purchase the Porsche pack. It’s great they’re adding all this extra cummunity content to make the game more enjoyable. I have enjoyed playing Forza in the last month than I did after its initial release.

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The cars are amazing, especially the 911 GT3 RS 4.0, which is the best car in the pack imo. VIR on the other hand is on a whole new level. Between the elevation change and flow from corner to corner I can’t see myself ever getting bored of this circuit. As for the Super Trofeo series, I’m as excited as ever. Nothing beats some friendly competition, and I know I can win some new cars :wink:

This is why Forza is and always will be the best console racing game on the market