Best way to testing out a tune

Have any of you found a fast way to test a build and tune? You can only change out parts in the hubs, Where to you go to do your test driving?
I wish there was a test feature like in FM5. Is there?

I buy and tune a car before entering a single player road trip. I then drive it to the next location as my test drive.

I then retune it at the hub and then drive to the first event. If Iam not happy on that drive then I head back to the hub.

If I do not want to do single player events then I just drive around a little tuning on the road and if it feels right I then enter rivals with it and try an event.

I don’t usually change my builds much unless I am attempting to smash a leaderboard. then I tweak the build sometimes but once again in this game I have narrowed down what builds are good and bad so I don’t have that many build combos that I use.

I build my car and may apply a base tune. Then I drive it to the next location as a test. Once there I make any changes and test it out by driving it around.

I like Nice as a good testing ground overall for road or circuit cars and sisteron for everything else.

Once I have a build for Solo, I may tweak the tuning but rarely the parts unless it needs to go to another class.

When building a car for rivals, I will sit at the hub an add the parts and tune I want. Then I go into Rivals and run the course [either in part, or the whole thing] and see what I think of the car and how I do. Then I will make changes in the rivals tuning menu. If I need to change the build, I quit rivals and I’m already at the hub - then repeat until I’m happy.

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Care to share any of these build combos? Or maybe even build combos to avoid?

It will depend on how far the car is being upgraded and what class you will end up in.

In short I very rarely use street tyres - either stock, sport or race.

Most often race or sport.

In this game cages are really only needed for absolutely maxed out cars and even then may not be needed.

More often than not I will use the AWD swap and therefore not bother with upgraded gearboxes.

I need to head out now but I will open source one of my tunes as an example later.

Thanks for the tips man. Very much appreciated

I put the same tune on my cars that I’ve been using forever and tweak the build in a rivals event over and over until I find out what method is fastest.

Build = 90%
Tune = 10%

Thanks, I have been doing the same.

I quit using tunes, and stick to default. Reasoning is that tuning would give XBox One users an unfair advantage in Rivals, thus every car must have ideal tune by default. The actual tuning will make little to no difference - and that difference will be for the worse. Any perception to the contrary is placebo effect.

Xbox One users are not competing with xbox 360 users.

Not sure I understand the rest of your post to be honest.

EDIT: Just rereading your post to try and work out what you mean and think I worked out what you are trying to say and totally disagree with it.

Default tunes are not ideal lol. Sure tuning can make a car worse but it most definitely can make a car better.

With your comment any perception to the contrary is placebo effect what about the effect of holding corners better and therefore beating leaderboard times.

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Really??? Tuning any car will make it worse? Sure, remember - garbage in, garbage out. If you tune it poorly, yes it will be worse.

But can you really say anytune will make any tune worse?

Try taking any classic muscle car with default tune, and drive it. Now give it a good tune and watch how much better it can corner.

Typically put, anyone who is faster than you because hey tune their cars will also be faster than you with a stock car or no tune because they are simply better drivers.

I make a build that i think will work , if i get in the top 100 i tune one thing at a time pre race untill i’m top 10.