Been thinking about getting Forza 5

Forza horizon was my first forza game and motorsport 5 is my second. I played horizon religiously every day for about a year and to this day I still miss it.

With that being said this is an amazing game. Since I didn’t play 4 I don’t feel like I’m missing out on things but that is not me saying this game is perfect.

Is this game missing features yes but would I still buy it… The answer is yes.—A-message-for-Turn-10.aspx

Haha I just realized this thread started 6 months ago… smh

I didn’t even realise until you pointed that out haha

Well at least I wasn’t the only one lol

if you are more interested in a car game forza will be ok for you. if you want a race game you wont be so happy with it.