
I was banned for some reason yesterday and I don’t even play online. I really have no idea why and the message did not give a reason. It said visit for more information although I can’t find any information. I can’t even browse new car designs when I buy a car and it is super frustrating. Does anyone know where on this site I can find more information or a customer support email I can reach out to?

Edit: I think I know what was considered bannable after reading some other forum posts here. I can’t delete this but if a mod wants to they can. If anyone does read this though, it would be nice if those ban messages had some sort of context or at least referring you to a website with relevant information to the situation (like Microsoft’s code of conduct I’ve seen linked around in these forums).

The relevant information: Individual bans or the enforcement of the Microsoft Code of Conduct are not discussed on these forums. The email address for Turn 10, which enforces the Code of Conduct is as always:

You don’t play online, then immediately send an email and have Turn 10 check the record of the times you’re logged on. Someone using your account posted a vinyl of a hand giving the finger. That is vinyl and gesture are unacceptable under the Code of Conduct

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