Hey guys whats goin on. So recently i had a problem with my gamertag where it loaded 3 different gamertags at once. I would sign on to xbox from “z33fairlady” but in a party it would show me as “eclipsetuner018” and in game it would say “xbox turn off” above my car. -.- finally got it sorted with xbox. One of the problems i had was cars duplicating in my garage. Most of them i sold because i wasnt sure what else i could do. This same error occured in “GTA5”. I would spawn with 30 cars piled up in my garage instead of the 10 i was susposed to have. Now i cant view anything in the storefront/ ext.
Im not sure what my ban was for if it was a ban at all. If it wasni would like to discuss the terms to get it setteled. If not please help lol. I recently saw people saying having unlocked layer groups is bannable. I have messaged and asked for every single one, and i have not uploaded or sold a single car with someone elses vinyl on it. I was unaware that just having it on my personal car was not permitted. It actually does not state anywhere that this is a permabannable offence. If this is a temp ban i will remove all the vinyls and do whats nessesary.
I have emailed the address given out here many times with no reply. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.