I just hopped on Forza Motorsport 4 today to find that I had been banned until 2034. I understand that yes, I had some modded cars, but the tunes were gifted to me, and I recently posted a photo on my storefront that made it seem like I had made a car seem VERY low to the ground and the wheels were tucking in hard. If any Forza Motorsport 4 Admin could reach out to me and explain to me as to why I was actually banned if it were for the picture, or the tunes I was gifted, I would very gladly delete all of the modded tunes. ANYTHING to get me unbanned. Forza Motorsport 4 is a game I play mostly and it keeps entertained the most, I literally get up everyday just to play Forza. So please, if any Forza Motorsport 4 Admin could help me out here, it would be greatly appreciated.
Gamertag: ChaseFFS