got banned last week from clubs and storefront for 163hrs (for no reason). Now my ban is up and i restarted my game…nothing. Restarted my console…nothing. Can anyone give any info on this. They also didnt give me my rewards.
Mods, please do not ask me to email forzafb@microsoft, that is a worthless email that gets you an automated reply and Turn 10 doesnt even read there PM on here.
Seeing as bans are not discussed on these forums, your best bet is to e-mail Turn10 at
In the future, I suggest making yourself familiar with the following as you have agreed to it, and by breaching any part of it you can be banned.
In terms of the game not working now, have you tried clearing your cache, it may help.
considering that email is worthless and its an automated reply. I also never breached any agreement…never made any designs at all.
The email is the way to address your issue with the people who determine the bans. However, they do need time to prioritize and investigate what is going on before answering, which is why the automated replay (meaning they’ve received your email) is the initial response.
Keep in mind people claim all the time never to have violated the Xbox Live Code of Conduct, when in fact the evidence shows they have (which they then blame on the little brother, their sister’s friends, etc., etc. Just have patience, when the developers can process your email and respond, they will.