Yeah there are a lot of idiots who just try to run people off of the road. The funny thing is there is no advantage to it and more often than not they screw themselves trying to push people into the trees or outside of checkpoints. I love being in third place while the first two are locked in a bumping war and I can slide right by. The first turn of every race is like a demolition derby which is more logistics than on purpose although some of that is on purpose too. But when a couple of cars are making the same turn at the same time you will collide. It’s the guys that just try to run you out on the straights that I really hate.
Once in a while you get a pretty good group though and some clean races but its few and far between.
I had a post almost like yours all i can recomend is fine people in here that race or try to race clean that being said it is hard in FH2 for clean racing especially on the The island
I try to be as clean as possible.I really don’t care if I win or not,i just want to have some close racing.I will brake and lose a race before putting someone in a tree.Ad me if you want.I will race anyone anytime s1 s2 or x on fh2 on storm island xbox one.
GT= Bunk De
Yes it happend all the time for me too . But there is a solution that made my life a lot better racing with random people , every time you encounter people playing dirty just block them and you never get to play with them again online . I have been doing that a lot and i have been racing with better racers , it just requires patience ! try it . A second thing you could try is to race with friends .
Game on !
I don’t find it much of an issue, if the room gets out of hand, I turn on my mic. and scold them in my OLD MAN voice, and things calm down, and I usually make a few more friends…I crash myself out more than others crash me out…lol my 2cents worth
If only we could get a simulation damage lobby that would fix this issue IMMEDIATELY! I play with sim damage and I feel your pain. I get penalized for DRIVING vs others who use cars/walls as their brakes.
Agreed. Wish it was anti grief off permanently but oh well. If theyre right behind me i brake early because 99% of the time they’ll use me as their brake so i take the inside line to prevent it. But more often they’ll go wide or try drifting (and fail) so its easy to pass them, its the first few turns that you should keep a look out for, if there was a 30 second ghost period racing would be so much nicer
I agree the only way to avoid the “dirty” racers is to gather a group of players or friends that race clean, go into a private free roam session and just pick different events to race. Best way to do it. I hate races in road trips because I really don’t want to do any playground games. I just want to race and the only way to do that is free roam.
IMO, the biggest fault of PG was not to have lobby racing in Horizon 2. I understand the reason behind the road trips and such, but they should have incorporated lobby racing in some way besides the car meets where you can do showdown races. But that’s another topic all together.
To get back on topic, you’ll always have those that race dirty in any racing game that has public lobbies. It’s just something we all have to get used to.
This. Id rather wait a bit more if it meant I can race with people who want to do just that in a lobby. Not into this whole idea of going into MP having to do events I dislike -___-
YES YES YES Please! I hate, loathe and despise King and Infected. I want to race and not play those silly games. On-line road trips need a lot of work. We need the following:
A choice of events that don’t involve these stupid games
A choice of car class (voting sucks and doesn’t work) I often just drop out if the class and events suck
I hate being put into a road trip in progress (especially if it is in a class I don’t want to play or involves the aforementioned idiotic games)
Please fix online road trips so we can do what we want even if it means waiting for it.