Auction house not working? I have a fix for all online features

I’ll let the title speak for itself. Having finally fixed the issue for myself (clubs and auction house blocked) and knowing how painful it was to find the info I needed on the official help forums, I’m writing this as a sort of guide to help people with the same issue as me.

This does not fix parental controls for a child Microsoft account, but it does unlock the auction house and clubs in-game.

It’s actually really simple. You log into the safety settings for your Xbox live account (the link on the official site is WRONG. The CORRECT one is HERE: Sign in to your Microsoft account) and go to the second settings tab named “windows 10/Xbox live settings” (or something like that - it’s the middle tab) and select ALLOW for all of the BLOCKED options.

Click submit at the bottom and wait for the button to return to a clickable state. Refreshing the page or closing the tab before it returns to a clickable state will reset the changes you have made. So make sure you wait.

After it returns to a clickable state I would recommend refreshing the page and double checking that it has actually worked. To be extra sure that the change has worked, you can sign out, sign in again and then double check.

Now, you’re done. Close the game and re-open it, and it should allow you into the auction house and clubs!

If it doesn’t work, let me know here. I’ll try to find out why if you’d like. I know how frustrating it is to have an issue, not know why it has to be an issue at all, and then struggle to fix it.

I hope this helps!


i checked this out but all mine were on allow anyway, so i changed them all to block and submitted then back again to allow and submitted, i still cant get online or use the paint designs and auction house etc, maybe i have a different issue than you but thanks for letting me know to try it, hopefully forza get my ticket on monday.

Just to double check: You clicked on the middle tab (titled ‘Xbox One/Windows 10 Online Safety’) and ensured all of those settings are set to allow?

Also remember that it doesn’t work unless you wait like 2 minutes for the submit button to go green again. I’m not sure why that is, but it is.

Hopefully it gets resolved.

yes i checked the middle tab, they are all on allow, i still havnt heard anything back from support either :confused:

IT DOESNT WORK. I did the exact instructions and the settings were updated and not blocked. I’ve restarted my computer and re opened the game several times and the auction house and clubs are still blocked, and still says the same thing as before: “This feature is blocked per your xbox live parental controls.” I also made sure I am adult age on my Microsoft account