Finally there’s some real competition on consoles.
Sweet, look forward to seeing more
Never played this one before, but heard a lot. Is it good ?
Right now on PC Assetto is somewhat dry. If Id want to be rude I
d say it isnt much of a game (yet). But hell, in terms of physics, sound and force feedback it
s freaking incredible.
My own little sim world looks like this:
If I want to have some quick racing fun I play Forza with a gamepad.
If I want a really immersive, believeable feeling I do a few hotlaps on Assetto with the wheel (TX these days).
Imo the one thing Assetto and Forza have in common is reliable physics which always let you know what is going on. Which is why they are my fav racing sims.
If I screw up I know it`s my own fault, no questions asked.
So…ye, Assetto is good if you are focussed on physics / driving.
It doesnt have much fluff yet, but who knows what they
ll do for the console release.
The competition is really starting to heat up. That’s always good for the gamer. I’ll be looking forward to seeing how this plays.
I am all for more sims on consoles but I’m afraid that this will split the racing crowd even more.
WHAT! Oh hecks yeah.
Now just do something about the woeful wheel situation on the Xbox One!
I am excited! 2016 can’t come soon enough.
Whats so woeful about it Wilko? I know the "old" wheels still don
t work …but the TX is a great wheel (just had no game on X1 to show it yet).
Assetto Corsa demands a wheel. Playing with a controller just sounds like a major disservice to the sim. Yet nothing that works on the Xbox One instills confidence when considering a purchase. I just can’t bring myself to buy any of the options. And that’s because reliability is the major problem. Some wheels work, but there are an awful lot of complaints or discussions about problems with the wheels. Then there is that one wheel that’s priced pretty high without adding a wheel rim. Sigh.
Perhaps I’d get lucky with a TX purchase? Recently I went from warm to cold on the thought of grabbing a TX. Even though I can deal with returning and waiting for a wheel. I feel I shouldn’t have to go through any of that. Especially since the wheel has been on the market for a this long, and it’s issues are well known to Thrustmaster. By now, they should have done something about it’s issues.
Well, looks like you only have one option left…

Well, looks like you only have one option left…
Yeah… but periodic maintenance has me leery of going that route. And getting better options in the wheel department along with what I want in a PC is a $3,000.00 USD purchase. So it’s an eventually item.
I can just speak for myself plus a friend …we both had no issues with the TX in over a year.
Maybe there really are a lot of faulty ones, but going by feedback the same was true for the CSR (which worked fine for me too).
In both cases I am not sure if it`s as bad as it looks on forums.
Assetto demands a wheel indeed. I don`t mind playing racing games with gamepads at all, but Assetto really shines with a wheel.
For the near future I hope both F1 2015 and Forza 6 will finally have proper wheel support, if that was the case I`d say trying the TX is very much worth the risc.
Sorry I turned this thread into a wheel gripe fest.
I have the feeling that something will happen to change this. But my feelings are usually wrong.
Empty Box anyone?
G290 was announced. There is a thread about it. This may be the answer I was looking for.
About AC, so a console release may be an improvement for the franchise as a whole. Hopefully that notion proves to be true. It would be a disaster if the game was released as is on the consoles.
Sorry for parroting Empty Boxes stance on the subject. I do happen to agree. What do you guys think?
Well, as someone who already plays it on PC I think I can only benefit. At least a proper menu which doesn`t require m+k should be in reeach.
For the consoles, in a way I agree with Empty Boxes … it`s certainly the racer I tought most unlikely to ever go to consoles.
Of course I hope they improve the game as much as possible to make it “fit” for consoles, and I guess they will, its a great chance for them. But even if they
d just port it, that doesnt necessarily mean it
d be a desaster.
It`s already a bit of a niche-game on PC, who is to say they are not content with producing the same for consoles at relatively low costs.
What I don`t see is Assetto to turn into anything of the size of the “big” racers, the team is just too small to expect miracles.
Great news !
I remain highly sceptical until they reveal more information on how its going to be released on consoles. I really like AC for what it offers, including some of the best FFB in town, imho, but currently its not more than just a glorified hot lap simulator. AC’s career mode is about as exciting as Forza’s and the AI is mediocre at best. And content wise they need to double up at least, otherwise AC wont be able to pry consoles players away from playing FM6 and Pcars.
Will it profit from a multiplatform release? After seeing how Pcars turned out to be a bug ridden mess, i’m not so sure about that. Focusing on one single platform might be better, especially if its not a triple A development studio. But looking at Pcars console sales figures compared to its steam sales, i can absolutely understand that Kunos fancies a console release. Thats where the big money awaits…
I’m wondering if they gonna do the port themselves or if they hire another studio (like FH2’s xbox 360 development), given how small they are, i cant see them being able to assign enough manpower without sacrifying the pc version.
time will tell i guess
Interesting, glad theres something coming to compete, and shame, Project Cars as that game and the people behind it should be ashamed of themselves.
Will this game have weather?
Right now Assetto Corsa doesn’t have weather. IIRC it doesn’t have dynamic time of day or night time. You can set the time of day at various daylight hours, but the setting is static.

Right now Assetto Corsa doesn’t have weather. IIRC it doesn’t have dynamic time of day or night time. You can set the time of day at various daylight hours, but the setting is static.
Ok, no big deal. Features like that are kind superfluous anyway, what really matters in gameplay and handling.