Just curious to know what mode others are playing the game on?.
At this point I enjoy the quality mode, feel like the 30fps framrate is much smoother then previous games. Of course performance is even smoother, but feel like
I have to finish the solo player in glorious 4K :).
Quality. I don’t care about 60 fps in this game, but I do care about 4K.
I bought the One X to play at 4K, not to run at settings pedestrian PCs can match.
I’ve played a few multi-hour sessions with each and I’m surprised at how good both look! If I had to pick one I think the 60fps looks a bit better than the 4k at 30fps. Smoother anyhow. Overall the graphics are killer. And the sound isn’t half bad either. That VW buggy had a great exhaust note. Really liking this game so far.
4K for me, hands down. It’s the main reason I bought a One X. Sure, at 60FPS the game runs smoother, or lag free, but you lose the gorgeous detail that I have grown to love in Forza Horizon. From the season changes, to foliage, to the water droplets splashing onto your windshield, 4K 30FPS is an absolute win for me!
Used to play in 4k for Summer and half of Autumn, but in the later stages of Autumn probably due to the high number of people in forzathon lives, and in races in general, I could notice a slow-down and occasional hitches. (Running on XB1X). Since then I’ve switched to 60fps, and I don’t regret a moment of it. I tried switching back for 4k to check out winter, but just couldn’t handle, the 30fps became so apparent that it took out some of the enjoyment for me.
Quality. I thought l would stick with Performance. And jumping back into 30 was a bit jarring first. But the Quality indeed is so much better in 30 mode.
60 doesnt have the advanced shadowcasting which is a spectacular feature imo
Performance, all day.