Many of you still dont understand why videogames these days are rushed and unpolished as h3ck lol. Customers are the mainly reason of this. But apparently many people still dont get it.
The super wheel spins are not removed entirely, they just removed the Cayman GTS’s cause it remains easy.
Just put more effort in the game buddy cause if they remove it entirely, most people won’t mind it cause it was like FH4.
Plus, Backstage pass is terrible, cause it was too rare, and most people would accept to grind it out to get it from the auction house if the price wasn’t too high,
Ranked Adventure was removed from the Festival Playlist cause the devs knew that no one was touching it cause a LOT of us play it casually, which means we never bothered it…
Super 7 High Stakes was canned because They were more focused upon working on FH5.
This Topic is just exposing upon how toxic the community (not the devs) have become ever since the release…
the thing that you all expect is perfection, where it can be IMPOSSIBLE to achieve when the devs have this Toxicity from you’re “Feedback”.
You want the game to be better ? Cease that whining and play harder, and let the devs do their work. It’s not easy for them when there’s the pandemic being around town and having to see you’re “cheering” on social medias.
And You think waiting two months for devs fixing the eliminator H2H stutter they introduced in a patch is whining? I don’t care about SWS, but I want devs fixing IMPORTANT bugs first.
I’m sick and tired of hearing “The Pandemic” as an excuse for Absolutely Everything.
They work on computers most likely in remote locations and just send files through the web.
The Pandemic doesn’t affect their work - just like it doesn’t affect mine. I can do even more from home without the distractions of the office.
Main issue is that they seem to prioritise fixing cosmetic issues over gameplay issues.
I wish they had done their homework first and had better quality control applied before releasing FH5.
If you wonder: have a look at the known issues list. And read it. You get what the players are complaining about ?!
By the way: I prefer to play the game my way. That may be spending hours at the auction house, tuning cars or farming skill points. That may include using these skill points to unlock the contents of the car masteries. Who calls any of these actions eploits should think about my freedom of choice how to play this game. My opinion may be different from any other person´s opionion, but using the game mechanics - even excessively - must not be called an exploit.
Undercover PGG employee posting, got it. What harm is it to allow players to buy cars in a video game? It is a game and a thing that should happen in a game is that it should still be fun shouldn’t it?
With the way the nerfed Wheelspins, im not sure why they bothered to leave them in at all. i ran a few Super Wheel Spins and got less than 200k. one spin was 5k 2k 2k. i thought the point of Wheelspins was to make the game more enjoyable and less of a grind.
Im sorry but thats just luck. Before this update, many many many of my wheelspin runs were like that. 10k, 5k, 2k. And it wasnt supossed to be nerfed yet… so i dont see the difference. They removed the 1million and 500k credit prices? thats a bummer. But again, it shouldnt make that huge difference at all. Im getting plenty of money from wheelspins right now as well.
When people started complaining i thought that they basically removed everything above 25k. lol. They didnt. So, i dont see the problem. Sometimes you guys make a war for not really important things.
Before the update I have never gotten any combination of 10k, 5k or 2k super wheelspins. I have received a horn or clothing item (things which I find totally pointless and useless in the game). But these usually came pared with a car or a high value $$$ prize. No the wheelspins have definitely become less valuable after the update (downgrade).
Players are being penalized for using strategies based on the game they built. They are adding the grind back without fixing the multiple actual problems with game like overpowered AI, the car lights not illuminating anything glitch, etc. Shows where the developers’ mind is.
I’m not sure what quantity of 1k or 5k slots were there in the wheelspins before the update. But I can say this. Before the update I rarely ever got a 1k or a 5k on a single wheelspin and I don’t remember ever getting one on a super wheelspin. Now it seems as though I get a 5k spot almost every time I spin a super wheelspin. That is when I get the rarely appearing super wheelspin.
And just a side bar to Sniper… who obviously doesn’t pay much attention to the game (so he actually could be one of the developers). Nearly all of the super wheelspins have been removed from the car mastery.