Are people in the game anti-social for you?

Here’s a question: Are you wearing a headset and talking through the mic? To me, if you’re not doing that, you’re not being social.

I used to play a lot more games when I was younger, and about 10 or more years ago, there seemed to be a high percentage of people talking on mics no matter what game I played. Nowadays, I hear almost nothing on any game I play, to the point where when my mic broke, I didn’t see a need to rush to replace it. We have all these fake social things, like texting, or common areas to hang out in games like Destiny or Call of Duty WWII … where players can go from player to player doing some stupid animation, but no actual talking. I think it’s generational. Things like texting and emailing were originally great for communicating with people you had to talk to, but didn’t want to talk to. But now that kind of stuff seems preferred over actual social interactions, so what we get in games are people not talking but coming up with some annoying text like “I’d buy that for a dollar” … a great movie quote made annoying by how it’s used here … as if there’s anything I can do with that. Then after they come up and do that, I get an in-game message that says “convoy?”. Not somebody asking me to convoy, and in-game message asking me to convoy. So I figure if I convoy, I’d subject myself to fielding other texts that I don’t know what to do with. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”. Uh, OK. If you need me I’ll be over here doing something else.

I dunno.


Myself i find it really annying that people keep requesting convoys and head to head races when all im doing is driving around the map having fun, the worse thing ever when i just want to drive my 20’s-30’s race car and all i have is some idiot wanting to be able to crash into me… no thank you :unamused:

Why would anyone accept? Every time I’ve had a challenge request it’s just been a sleeper who blasts away from me. Not remotely a situation I get any enjoyment out of.