Anyone want to learn how to make money

how to make money ez

Unless you’re referring to real money, your post is about 1.5 years too late. Everything in this game makes you money. If you’ve played it from the beginning, it’d be nearly impossible to not have more money than you could spend on anything you don’t already own.


how to make money ez

Step 1: Super Wheelspin events in Festival Playlist
Step 2: Profit


Look at the forza monthly youtube vid. They’ll preview weekly/series prize cars. Check whether you have a few of them in your garage. Sell them on the auction house, reacquire them as prizes when the playlist eventually comes around. You’ll make your credits and keep your garage intact.

Basically everything. I always do every challenge I can (which excludes online events). I have every car now and a lot of duplicates. Also you win a ton of wheelspins. Sell the cars you don’t need, use the wheelspins and you will have hundreds of millions in a few months. I’m sitting on 365M in FH5 and 999.999.999 in FH4 with dozens of wheelspins and super wheelspins left.

For a second I thought I was in the general Steam forums. Over there people spam crap all day long trying to get a badge that stopped existing years ago.

On topic (somewhat): I’ve got so much money from playing normally one day of the week that not even buying all the new cars made a dent in it, and one of them got me the “buy a car for at least ten million” accolade.


I mean, the only time money matters is at the beginning when you’re trying to get cars you don’t have (either at the auto show or auction house). Once you have all the cars, money doesn’t really have a purpose. The cost of upgrades is low enough that incidental play will usually cover it.

The late/end game economy/incentive is a tricky problem. What do you dangle in front of the people that have everything? The main answer is cars they don’t have. (Hence the playlist exclusives.) outside of that, it’s tough. More accolades? Kudos? Badges?

I put a thing in the suggestions hub about badges for the “legendary” statuses (painter, tuner… possibly both?)


Bit confused:-
Are you offering to tell us how to make money in game easily
Asking how to make money easily in game?


I can’t even tell, the title and body of this post seem to contradict each other.


This is a test of the “clickbait awareness program”, which is apparently failing miserably :joy:
(Pretty amazed it hasn’t already been closed down)


Overall “Best” Methods to get credits
It is a common occurrence for players to ask for methods to get credits. Reality is there isn’t really a “best” method to obtain credits. Alot of these “best” methods are either methods that are patched out due to abuse (I.E. AFK Goliath, Wheelspin Farming, etc.).

-Completion of races/pr stunts/stories/car collection. Each help gain XP towards your account. Every level up gets you a wheelspin. Accolades may also give you cars you didnt own to save you from using saved Credits

-(My Preferred Method) Completing Open Events. Open Events are alot like the completion of races mention above. Except there is another leveling system added to it (Open XP). Not only does it function like the player level mentioned earlier. They also stack. So if you level up in both you get double the spins.

-(Least Preferred Method) A method commonly used by many amongst this server; Auction House Snipping. When auction house snipping you are looking for high value cars selling below their typical price and reselling at a higher price. Issue with this method is that it is solely reliant on luck. You could get lucky and get one in 5 mins or get one in 3 or 4 hours. While you could be gaining experience with that time doing races instead.

-Achieving Legendary Status. This one is a hard one… since you need to get 50k (likes, downloads, and uses) in either tuning or liveries. Which will show you as rank 20 on your creative hub. Legendary Status gives you the option to post any car for 20 mil on the auction house (although not guaranteed it will sell)

-Festival Playlist: This one is commonly overlooked but it is a quick way of making a fortune. Try to get at least 20 ponts on each season. If you are not a great racer that is okay. Generally people want to help out. 20 points typically unlocks rare and very valuable cars you could easily flip for profit.

-Rivals: Rivals is also a great method of earning credits, xp, and in game experience to help improve yourself as a racer. The more laps and the more time that is placed the higher your credit gain. Taking this to note if you are solely looking for best credit gain per rival… take the S2 Oval Circuit rivals which is located at the stadium. Do them for several laps one after the other.

Other Important Notes: I highly recommend to not splurge on cars at the very beginning. Most cars that are affordable early on will be obtained through the accolades or wheelspins. It also may lead to a ill used/loss of credits.


I’ve got the cars, :guitar:
Gamepass the game :guitar:
Let’s make lots of - ooh! ooh! :guitar::guitar:MONEY!