I occasionally get on to hold some races, put up B class tuned/designed cars on the Auction House, and help edit liveries/decals for other clubs, but as of lately, I’m curious if there’s other guys out there who are still on here. Yeah, the game is pushing 9 years old and FM7/FH4 is going strong, but it’s still a great platform for it’s age. Plus the time and money that we’ve invested in this game.
But I’m curious to see if anyone would be interested in getting some guys to dust off their 360 and relive this old bird.
We use to hold B Class Thursday races, and was curious if anyone would be willing to come race, host, promote, etc.
I’d make it an effort to post rules changes every week IF there’s an interest.
If you’re a FM4 regular, feel free to add me.
[Mod Edit - all posts must be in English; translate your text before posting - MM] See you later.
I usually play FM4, but I sadly don’t have XBOX Live Gold, as I can’t invest doing so, as I’m only a 15 yr old fan of Forza (Yep, I’m from '05, but I’m not as immature as most of the others born in the same year.). I’ve played the first 2005 Version, but never got to play FM2, FM3 and those after FM4, as I can’t invest in an XBone (RIP) either. The Forza games I own right now are FM (2005), FM4 and FH2, but I do sometimes wish to play multiplayer, as singleplayer campaign mode gets a little repetetive. If I could, I would really want to test myself and race other racers with more experience than me, as I’ve played both Need For Speed Underground 2 and Forza Motorsport on the Original Xbox since 2009 or 2010? until late 2019 (That’s when I bought the Xbox 360E). I have noticed the improvements over the years. I used to be a dick and hit AI’s when they would brake because I never knew what the Race Line Assist was until 2014, SMH. But now I brake whenever the line becomes red and I try my best to avoid AI’s to get a clean lap, but that never happens, because somehow they get aggressive for no reason and bump me when the Racing Line Assist turns red .-.
Buut, I wish you do find someone else, because I would play with anyone if I got the chance to get Xbox Live Gold. (I honestly miss Free Xbox Live Gold Weekends, because It happened almost everytime I went to visit my older cousin who had an Xbox 360 at the time.)
Get on Microsoft Rewards. I haven’t paid for Gold in months now since I’ve used it. Totally worth it.
I have FM3 and FM4 (AND I don’t have the test tracks - different discussion). I don’t have Xbox Live Gold. So I basically try to advance up the Leaderboards. FM4 is a slog thougth. In the “Circuit” there are about 95 tracks to lodge a time, 11 classes so about 1045 races. Most players don’t do this. Most don’t even lodge a time on 200 tracks (you’ll be in top 1% if you do).
If you lodge a time on 400 tracks you get to about top 15,000. That’s about top 0.2%. At the start of the year, 8,310,432 players have lodge a time while connented to the internet. Today 8,326,625. So in two months, there have been 16,193 new players. That 269 players a day start. In the last two months from the total pool of players from last ten years there have been about 20 players have moved into the top 15,000! (I count myself this group). But here is the rub. If you compare your time to mine, you’re faster*, especially if you do a 2nd or 3rd lap (I’ll start another race while you’re lapping to shave 4seconds).
So race ya!.
*except x class where the beatle stopped crawling and flew, slowing ;~)
This forum 88 views. Copy of post from forum “There are plenty of us still playin FM4” that think appropriate here.
"Anyone still playing? depends on what you consider playing. Since the start of 2020 to end of Feb, 269 new players per day (16193 total) have lodge a time while connected to the internet. Complete 200 laps on different circuits. I haven’t worked that out yet. How many have completed 400 laps - 20 players.
900 laps? - from over 8million players from last 10 years - 2 in the last 3 months.
How is the leaderboard worked out? My rough answer is: for each track for each class you start at 30 minutes.
Total Time = tracks * time/track
Circuit Leaderboard start at around 522.5 hours = tracks * 30min/track
so 1045 tracks approx.
11 classes so 95 tracks per class. New players can lodge a time on 83 of those. There are 12 test tracks that can no longer be downloaded.
Set an unclassified time (say 3minutes) the total time reduces 17minutes. So 10 minute penalty for bumping your car into opponents, fences, cutting corner ect.
How can I get up the leaderboard? Answer. Complete a lap on a track using different classes (not just R3, S or A).
Milestones targets.
100 laps unclassified - 494 hours - ranking higher than 1.5 million - top 20%
100 laps classified - 477 hours - ranking higher than 750,000 - top 10%
200 laps unclassified - 466 hours - about 400,000 - top 5%
200 laps classified - 433 hours - around 150,000 - top 2%
400 laps unclassified - 409 hours - about 85,000 - top 1%
400 laps classified - 342 hours - about 30,000 - top 0.4%
900 laps unclassified - 267 hours - top 4,000 - top 0.05%
900 laps classified - 117 hours - top 1500
What do you need to do to be in the top 1000 players of Forza Motorsport 4 (Leaderboard Circuit)? For a start be one of the 253,000 players that have the Test Tracks. Dawdle around each of the 1045 laps and you’ll creep to 52 hours and be in top 1000. Currently top 1000 is two shades better than 64hr31min15sec.
So for rest of us 8million+ players top 10,000 realistic and achievable."
A bit daunting really. A suggestion is maybe start with the Rivals Leaderboards. The first one listed is “Open Time Attack”. Just 10 laps to start.
If you want to earn some credits quickly, try the “Track Days”. Take it easy and you’ll beat the AftBeatle.
just got Gold for some Forza 4 add me up guys, looking for some racings and gameplay!
Hello, I had recently rediscovered my old xbox 360, and I booted up Forza Motorsport 4, and tried to do multiplayer, yet there seemed to be nobody there. It felt really sad as I remember playing the game as a kid and seeing it all abandoned with nobody there. It just hurt my heart. My question is that are the servers even being maintained? And also which lobbies often have people in them since I wish to just get confirmation that there are others still playing the game.
I just got the LIVE Gold trial to try out the multiplayer and kinda hoped that there is at least 1 lobby active in the game but seems I was wrong . So looking for some races as well if someone is still up for it.
Yep, we still play, there is maybe around 100 still active players… We got racing events on monday tuesday, friday and saturday, mostly full lobby each time if you want info about races text me on xbox GT: PawsonRMI
I still play once a month or more …would love to find others to race with add me if ya all like I also play on current gen and Xbox one
Feel free to add me if you want.