Anyone interested in a site that helps you keep track of all your club data?

Hello, you probably don’t know me but I ran RDT3(a Forza Racing Club club via Reddit) I have been building this site to help keep track of clubs, racing series, drivers results from races and any data we can derive. I have been working with RDT3 and they have been been helping me test the site by inputting results from their recent races and so far so good!

WHAT IS MY POINT? ugh here it comes… I started a gofundme(PM me if interested) to help make this site open to the public. I am trying to raise 5 years worth of domain and hosting costs. It’s a free site, no ads, no strings attached. I just don’t have the money to pour into the costs of keeping this open to the public.

WHAT I AM ASKING YOU TO DO - donate $1 and/or check out the gofundme for details about the site and give me some feedback and let me know what you think the site needs. I’m totally open to suggestions.

TL;DR; I made a sick forza site and I need to crowd-fund it(PM me if interested), but it’s actually cool so will you check it out and possibly donate?