[ANSWERED] Fix to Forza Horizon 4 Crashing Constantly - PC - Random Crashes

Fixed most of my game issues following OP’s suggestion so I deleted my post that had dumb stuff in it anyway.

Hey, just wanted to add a couple of things to the conversation, I’ve been having crashes since launch as well.

My specs are:
i5 3570K @ 4.6ghz
GTX 1060 6GB

From what I’ve gathered Windows KB4100347 COULD be an issue here too, along with the pagefile and RAM issues.
These are screenshots of my RAM after the game crashes:

I have also noticed that the game will not use over 8GB even though I have 12GB RAM. (except when crashing, it spikes to around 10GB/9GB)

After uninstalling KB4100347 my game would no longer crash for me. Its worth a try to uninstall it and see if anything changes for you.
A bigger problem however for me was that the game almost ALWAYS sits at 90% CPU usage and when that hits 100% the game starts having input lag, and its nearly unplayable, I have not found a cause for the extreme CPU usage.

That being said, you should probably try uninstalling KB4100347, could be a fluke, but I think its still worth a try.

did u find a fix for that high CPU usage? i have the same Problem my CPU hits 90% sometimes it even stays at 100%…i have this Problem only with FH4, all my other games work just fine!

GTX 1080ti
16GB Ram

Unfortunately, I did not.
Its the main cause of input lag for me, and I’m currently talking with support about these issues.
I thought that this might be a CPU bottleneck, but seeing how people with modern i7s are having such issue, that can be safely ruled out.
I even tried setting the game to dynamic settings set at very low, but that did not change the CPU usage at all.

I think the only solution right now for such issue is wait until they roll out a new update, and pray that they fixed the CPU issue.

This is getting ridiculous now. It is now taking me on over 5 tries to launch the game. sometimes it doesn’t even get to the house screen at all. Just tried 10 times in a row with 10 crashes in a row. It was at most maybe 2 before tonight. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] is going on Turn 10?

EDIT: It took EIGHTEEN tries to finally get into the game.

Try the fix from Reddit, made a huge difference to me.

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What’s the fix from Reddit? If you’re talking about the RivaTuner/MSI Afterburner/EVGA Precision thing that is for the game even launching and I’m actually the one that originally posted that to reddit, it’s not the issue here though.

However I did find (sort of) what the issue with the crashes on loading into the house screen was. One of the graphical “Extreme” settings seems to cause it. I turned down all of my Extremes to Ultra and I can go in and out of houses as many times as I want and not have to try loading the game multiple times before being able to.

Not sure which one though, and it wasn’t a VRAM issue as I had enough for those and enough graphical power to run them, so must be something loading badly that’s associated with Extreme, probably a texture or something.

There are probably a few safe ones like the deformable terrain and windshield reflection though since those don’t come into play at all during the house cutscenes.

MSI Afterburner or any of those monitoring programs are not a fix, the game does launch with any of them open, the thing is that you gotta disable the OSD for the game itself, you can still monitor the game with them, you just play on Windowed mode and see the MSI Afterburner graphps, but that is not what I am talking about.

True, its not VRAM either, the game would tell you otherwise that you have low video memory, its something else.

Anyway, here is what I tried: Reddit - Dive into anything

With RivaTuner/Afterburner/Precision It’s actually not the OSD, it’s specifically “Application Detection Level” in RivaTuner. Once you turn that off you can keep MSI Afterburner and/or EVGA Precision running with the game. On VIP release day people on reddit found that shutting down Afterbuner (or Precision) would allow the game to launch. I dug deeper and found that that particular settings “Application Detection Level” would cause a crash if set to anything but “None”

Also apparently having Mirror Quality and Deformable Terrain at Extreme isn’t safe, still locks up at house cutscene on load in despite neither of those settings being used there, but if they are Ultra it won’t.

Testing just the deform terrain at the moment because that’s the one I actually care about having at Extreme because “Ultra” is nowhere near as good.

But yeah I’ve tried the Standby memory clearing thing which isn’t my issue since it’ll still crash, but I think it’s one of these Extreme settings since it won’t doit if stuff is set to Utra instead.

I am gonna try to change some settings to see if the game crashes less, I don’t know. At least I am glad I was able to realize I don’t need that “StandbyMemory” stuff. I just don’t get how many people manage to have so many problems with Windows 10.

The most fun part: Each single damn post pointing out issues on the game that people report just get completely ignored. Wonderful, is not it?

Yeah and it crashed after ONE race and now I’m on try FOURTEEN this time.

So I have been having this problem as well with the game locking up and crashing to a grey screen then dropping to the desktop. I tried some of the tricks without any luck. Did some digging and was surprised to see that my page file was set to 0 for some reason, probably thinking I don’t need a page file with 16GB of Ram but have since read that some Windows 10 applications do require a page file. So I reset the page file in windows 10 and suddenly I’m not suffering the crashes to desktop.

Sure it might not fix anything for anyone but it did fix my crashes if you might have messed with your page file at some point. Worth at least considering. Now hopefully I can do all my crashing in-game :smiley:

I used some stupid program called “Wise Game Booster”, that program actually disable my page file completely, it has an option that said “disable memory pagination”, but I never considered it was that, yesterday I decided to disable that crap on that program and the game ran a lot better with the page file and 8GB of RAM, also it stopped crashing altogether.

You should also try the Empty Standby Memory method because that also seems to help to reduce the strange stutter this game has sometimes.

my game is also crashes randomly, sometimes i need to launch game 2 or 3 times to get to even main menu, im not at home right now, i wonder is there anyone who tried to uninstall KB4100347 update? some says doing this fixes the problem…

sorry for my lack of english

You can unistall that update safely, I just searched on Google and is the update for CPU’s for Spectre and Meltdown, basically it could slow down your CPU due to the changes on the O.S for “security” measures. Besides, the only way a Ransomware could attack your computer it’s if you go and download a bunch of strange stuff from random websites and execute every suspicious file you see.

Well let’s just sit and wait for a patch then…

Patch came, still doing it.

It’s annoying when it happens during round three of Forzathon Live… Because even if you launch the game again right away you can’t join back in

The patch on my end made the game use a lot more CPU so I get drops to 59 fps constantly thus microstutter. Following the same road as Forza Horizon 3, broken and always broken. Also, the game has a severe memory leak, if you don’t minimize the game when you start it and maximize it the RAM usage will go quickly to around 7.2 GB and will keep growing until you get a full game crash. If I do what I said, the RAM usage seems to be normal and does not get past 6.8 GB (from 8GB that I have). Just wow man, this is pathetic, they can’t fix the game and honestly, never will. However, this only works if you have Forza Horizon 4 to no act as background task. Privacy>Background applications>Forza Horizon 4.

I paid to play the game on a shared account and still pisses me off because I paid money for that, not as much as the full game, but still it costed me. If I had payed full price I would probably be in full rage mode and never would buy a damn Forza game ever again.