I’ve been somewhat frustrated that I am not able to figure out the reason for Forza Horizon 4 crashing, I’ve assembled all crash logs available to me which will be linked in this post.
It will crash absolutely randomly, when I’m streaming, when I’m not, during morning, afternoon, evening or night, it seems to be random, and the errors seem to differ, sometimes from day to day and while I have a bit of knowledge when it comes to figuring out errors I seem unable to do it with this game, anyway…
Things I’ve tried without success so far is:
Removing overclock on both cpu and gpu
Re-installing game
Uninstalling drivers for gpu + updating and rolling back
Uninstalling drivers for audio devices + updating and rolling back
terminating unnecessary programs
Running and not running xbox app
Running and not running game bar
Running FH4 as admin
So as I said above I’m also linking an assembly of all crash logs if that helps anyone be that the devs or people who are a lot more clever than I am.