[ANSWERED] Can't find Fortune Island!!

This may possibly the most stupidest question on here, but HTF do I get to Fortune Island?

It automatically downloaded and installed (I have ultimate edition)

I launch the game and go to the map and can’t find it.

I’ve uninstalled the entire game, reinstalled all 70 odd GB of content and made sure I have the latest version (

But still there is no Fortune Island…

On FH3 you just went to the content from the map and I assume it would be the same with FH4 but I can’t find it… what am I doing wrong???


Did you download the 6/7GB update?

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It’s located on the East(Right) side of the map. When I go to it I am told I have to install it even though it’s already installed so I can’t even play it.

Odd, it’s working now… I had to uninstall it again for a 2nd time and reinstall everything… now i can find it!

For me, it still shows “Forza Horizon 4 Fortune Island” as an Error.


Same problem… Forza horizon 4 Deluxe edition… 100 euro spent in this game, and after I’ve download the update and the fortune island, it’s says to install the expansion. The ****??

Or… Maybe I’ve do not do enough in game to access the island…

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I’m so disappointed with FH4. So many things are wrong and no one does anything to fix it!! Fortune Island doesn’t appear when you’ve already bought it. Colorblind people cannot adjust the color of the route which is terrible to see it. Cars sounding the same even when they have completely different engines and Forza Hub went down a tier for me when the game was released. I’ve been playing Forza since 2011 and I’ve never had any problems until this game. Disappointed

If you have been playing since 2011 you would know what happens wach time a new game comes out
You Never went down a tier but your tier levels rewards would have been adjusted…just like they do Every time a new game is released

I must be lucky since i very rarely have any actual issues with any Forza…including fh4…that need to be fixed

I have the most recent update installed. I have purchased and downloaded the expansion pass bundle. I am playing on my second xbox, which is not my “home” xbox. I don’t see Fortube Island on my map and on the Fortune Island tab it says it’s not available. What do I need to do to play the expansion?

It still doesn’t even show up on the map for me, even though it shows as installed in windows store. Its like they only have three people test this game before they push updates and content, probably the same three people that answer support tickets.


I have bought Forza4 Standard edition installed it.
Now I have buyed Fortune Island, installed the 7G package but I still could not find it? (MS Store says installed)

Where the hell is it?
Is some technical support for it? Or I have to accept it is Microsoft product with the many features and BUGS!


Same here. I bought the DLC, and I can’t find it.
It says: keep playing, but keep playing what? What I have to achieve for play Fortune Island?

You need to qualify for the Horizon roster, and at least 10 races into game progression.