Allow for variability in dynamic weather

Right now there’s only the option for variable weather in races, but it would be nice to add the variability. Like from 1% to 100%, because almost always when you have variable weather, it will start raining by lap 3 or 4. It would be a pleasant change.

I wish they added more colour pallets to the sky and make it seasons like in horizon 4. More vegetation growing, summer more dryer etc it would be awesome :sunglasses:. @UltimatX7501 give us also your opinion and mark people for us to discuss this topic and get more votes.

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Got it :+1: I’ll do like always. Of course more things needed but bug fixes so minimal. New content is either. I hope they’ll listen us. Very little bugs not fixed. I’m sure they have to pay me as a beta tester. I’m sure I’m the most bug reporter in forum :smiley:

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