I was wondering if something like a start finish line prop might open up the entire map to be used to make events/races. We can start super 7 anywhere on the map, but races are still limited to start points on the map. This leads to a limit on routes due to location and direction, which leaves a lot of the map inaccessible for event creation. (without making a 4 minute lap to use an area)
With that said, would add a start/finish prop that swaps super 7 to a “race” be made to open the rest of the map up to creators? Is that something that’s even possible with the current system?
I know starting races from anywhere would be a massive help to me and a lot of other creators, and would open up a MASSIVE portion of the map for creativity.
i should have submitted this idea weeks ago …
That’s a no brainer, great addition
Absolutely a no brainer!!
one of the few improvements that might give me motivation to keep horizon installed after motorsport releases
Custom start points is something they mentioned before launch, but a year after launch it is still not in the game…
This post could not have been said better. The number of benefits that would come from a feature like this would be massive. From an implementation standpoint, it does sound tedious. But even allowing us to start at other nodes like PR stunts and things like that would already be a massive help!
or even reversing existing race starts, where the “grid box” allows
Or what about a start point bubble around the current start points, even a 1-3 mile bubble around start points of tracks could open a huge possibility of new great custom tracks. As a track editor/creator, I have alot of ideas for tracks that could be helped with just a bubble around the start points. Maybe a small test with start point bubbles and if that goes well, open it further to an any start point system. Just my thoughts but great thread.
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I see it being hard to implement, but that’s why i suggested going from an existing feature with a prop that lets us get race settings at the end in the event settings. Kind of like turning a street race into a road race in event lab, but turning a super 7 layout into an event lab race, if you will, using a prop (start/finish line with a grid) to trigger the settings.
Hopefully they do it! Big Support is here, coming from a featured Map Builder like all the others who have a name in the community too! Idk what more weight we could bring so that they listen.
That would help a vast amount of communities immensely. Here’s hoping.
I have always wondered this myself.
I have so many route Ideas but I can’t do them because the way the start/finish line goes or there is just no start locations anywhere near where I want to build a track.
Like a year ago in a stream they were asked about this (i believe when they were showcasing custom races in their pre release lets go series) and they said that at the moment you cant create custom start points but it was something they were “looking into”
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yes, mike did mention it as a possible “future update”
This is a feature that should have existed since day one of the route editor in FH4 and I have been asking for it ever since, As well as many others im sure. I genuinely dont think its going to happen. At least not in FH5. They did add the edit route option, which was another very basic and absolutely fundamental feature of making custom content that should have been there from day one. But the custom starts I actually dont think is coming.
I havent used the route editor for a long time because all the tracks I have in mind to build are woefully underserved by the available start locations or just outright physically impossible to make work. IE a full beach run. I feel a lot of sympathy for the masochists who have been grinding away at building event labs content with these missing fundamentals. Having to scout locations constantly, Restart entire builds because a location doesnt work.
I’m pretty confident in saying this would be an easy implementation of a feature and if anything, its an insult to the consumers that they’ve not done it yet. I say this because they probably have an excuse like “The event starts are baked into the game engine.” which is pretty much nonsense given all the other stuff they’ve done and if its true. Its not the consumers fault your engine is built like a Jenga tower, Its deserving of scrutiny and criticism.
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this still not being added blows my mind
Yeah in the stream they were talking about the bike track and said “im sure the community will do some cool things here” HOW?! theres no race start there. So we would have to start the race somewhere else and then drive in to that spot and do whatever ‘cool things’ they think we will do on the dinky little .25mi track
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