About The Cost Of [ Storm Expansion ] Read and Think

ok guys i removed the topic

apologize for everyone who felt that i disrespect him

Well, considering the Car Pass is listed as only giving purchasers access to the six monthly DLC car packs, the bonus Noble M600 and nothing else, no, you aren’t entitled to get the Storm Island Expansion for free, as it is not a part of the season pass content.

i know that but what is the point of pay 100 usd to start pay again for expansion ?

why the ultimate edition owners not get this expansion for free ?

what is the point of pay and pay and pay for every thing they release ?


The point of “pay and pay and pay” is so companies will continue to “release and release and release.”

If you think companies can continue to exist without making a profit, and employees will continue to work without receiving paychecks, you may want to ask an adult to explain things to you.


first of all you must look for an adult to learn you how to respect others , iam already 30 years old and working and pay from my pocket so iam not a kid asking his dad to pay for him . do you ?

second , if you know anything about economy you will notes that these companies already made huge profit , so this 10 usd wont make crisis of economical

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OK adult here…52 years old…I understand the economy…If I drive my 454 Camaro for an hour…it costs me 10 dollars in fuel or more…I can play this game for hours on end…for a lot less money. stop being such a socialist…big companies make the world go round !!!


apologize if you felt that i disrespect you

First - Sorry, but your comments led me to believe you were quite young.

Second - No, I don’t know that these companies already made huge profit. I don’t have access to the information you apparently have. So, please post links to verifiable sources where we can all review the financials of Turn 10 and Playground Games. Then, when we all know for a fact how much “huge profit” they have made, we will have a more informed opinion.

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We don’t have to disprove a claim. Burden of proof restson the shoulders of people making claims. If you claim there’s a Flying Spaghetti Monster, I don’t have to prove it doesn’t exist, but rather you have to prove that it does. Here, you have to prove that the developers made massive profits, rather than us having to disprove it.

With that said, I’ve read articles about costs over the years. Profits are far less than players know, and often games don’t make a profit. Developers typically get $15 to $20 per $60 New game sold, less from discounted games, and nothing from used games. If a developer spends $40 million making a game, they have to sell at least 2 million units at $60 each just to break even, and have to sell more if many units are sold at a lower price like $40. Used sales generate $0 in revenue.

If you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t speak. You can’t just throw assumptions around as if they’re facts. Don’t say the developers made big profits if you haven’t seen anything that supports your claim. That’s textbook ignorance.

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No problem Mr\ Don and apologize again , for me the huge profit of turn 10 and you know that , do not need an secret informations its clearly visible if you look at it , i can say company like pepsi dont get any profit , do you Convinced ?!

i have Season Pass…no free DLC??
Its insane…bah…bye bye T10, ti is my last Forza…

thats why i made this topic not about the 10 usd but about the logic of pay to play

The Car Pass already saves you $10 on the cost of the six monthly packs, equivalent to them giving you two packs for free. and VIP cuts the price of the expansion pack in half for another savings of $10, that’s pretty good in my books compared to what most companies offer.

The bottom line is that Playground NEVER said that any expansion packs would be included as part of the season pass, so anyone who bought the car pass or ultimate edition of the game should have known that going in.


yes you right for every single word , and i hate there logic

Turn 10 never released a Season Pass, they released a Car Pass, I’ll be getting this and I don’t mind paying £6 for it, it could be worse we could pay £12 like the Call of Duty DLCs.


You purchased something that never claimed to offer you any free DLC of any sorts, and now your expecting it to give you things it clearly was never going to?

I just can’t understand where you’re coming from with this.


I’m too poor to pay for DLC, ultimate editions or the soon to be released Storm Island Expansion pack, but I feel left out of some of these threads so posted.


Considering what’s in the pack, $10-$20 is quite reasonable. It’s not like we got shafted on content in the base game.